Part Number: TRF2443
A few questions on several topics:
1) I have no need for the XPIC capability, nor do I wish to add a SAW filter. The XPICOUT+/- and IFOUT+/- pins usually require a pullup inductor. Can I leave these unconnected, or do I need to provide the pullup?
2) What about XPICIN+/-, IFIN+/-, XPICAGC, and XPICBBCM? Can I leave these floating?
3) I'm using the AFE7522 as my DAC/ADC. Do you have any interfacing recommendations? The AF7522 DAC's compliance voltage (2.7V - 3.8V) won't fit the 1.4V common mode on the TRF2443, so I'm planning on AC-coupling with a 1uF cap and a 100 ohm resistor between the TXBB+/-. Is there a better setup or values I should consider?
4) If possible, I'd like to simplify the VCO filters to use fewer parts. 9 unique parts is a lot for two filters. Is there reduced part count recommendation? Are there guidelines on changing the bandwidth of the filter so I could attempt to create reduced part count? (I assume higher bandwidth gets a faster but less accurate VCO lock, are there other considerations?)