Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDC1000, TDC7200
Customer is using the TIDM-ULTRASONIC-TDC board and encountering some inconsistency in their design. More details below.
I'm dealing with the TIDM-ULTRASONIC-TDC board, I also removed some parts of it like the RF and the LCD section from it. on my test board, it worked properly. Now I ordered a few more PCBs of the customed PCB and more components, but there is something odd. When I set ECHO_QUAL_THDL to anything except -75mv and -775mv in the GUI, it only excites one Piezoelectric but it supposes to excite both channels for flow measurement purposes.
I doubt that there is something wrong with my CCS, According to the datasheet it should be programmed with CCS v6 but it pop-up an error, so I have to compile it with CCSv7.
The changed schematic is attached to the file. In addition, I noticed that some parameters of TDC1000 and TDC7200 are not their default values even after programming the MSP, e.g. according to the datasheet the ECHO_QUAL_THLD register should be 3h: –125 mV (default) but after programing the MSP While I read registers this register value is -75mv except -125mv. Few registers like the Measurement mode of TDC7200 have the same situation.