Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC3021-Q1, HDC3022-Q1
In the data sheet 'HDC3020-Q1 SNAS817A – JUNE 2021 – REVISED SEPTEMBER 2021' section 3 (Description), there is the following mention:
"The HDC302x-Q1 is an open cavity package without protective cover. Two device variants have a cover option to protect the open cavity RH sensor: HDC3021-Q1 and HDC3022-Q1. HDC3021-Q1 has removable protective tape to allow conformal coatings and PCB wash."
However, in section 11.3.2 (Soldering Reflow), there is the following mention: " When soldering the HDC302x-Q1, it is mandatory to use no-clean solder paste, and the paste must not be exposed to water or solvent rinses during assembly because these contaminants may affect sensor accuracy."
So, can the sensor be washed following SMT reflow if it is the version with the protective cover or not?