I am working with mmwave 6843 ISK from TI. I plan to modify the config files provided by TI to meet my application scenario (range/resolution/velocity etc).
I am planning to use mmwave sensing estimator (https://dev.ti.com/gallery/view/mmwave/mmWaveSensingEstimator/ver/1.4.0/) as a tool for setting my chirp parameters.
However, to start with, I expect that I must be able to regenerate the same config parameters as are in a sample config file (say ISK_6m_default). Is there a document that explains how the numbers in a sample config file (say ISK_6m_default) have been arrived at, considering the mmwave sensing estimator as reference. Alternately, if there is a document explaining the numbers in the config file based on calculations mentioned in mmwave fundamental document here, that is also ok.