Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5994
Hello Sensor People,
I’m using an LDC1312 Inductance to Digital Converter (I2C interface 400 kHz) with an MSP430FR5994. The board has four of these converters each on its own bus, for bandwidth design considerations. Two of the converters are to be sampled at 4 kHz on a single channel. The other two will be sampled at 2 kHz for each of two channel.
The LDC1312 Datasheet I2C Register Read timing diagram shows that a register is first specified by writing to the LDC1312 before the reading of the register. Does anyone know if the writing of the register to be read must be written for each read or only once with subsequent reads without the register write?
Also, it is my understanding that the only way to clear the INTB signal is to read the Status Register. Reading the Data Register will not clear INTB. This is inconvenient and not possible for 4 kHz reading. The datasheet declares that the device is capable of a maximum reading rate of 13.3 kHz. This is not possible if one wishes to use INTB as an interrupt to the MSP430 because the time needed to read the Status and the Data registers takes too long . So, one is left to do continuous reads of the LDC1312 without the use of the INTB signal. This may result in consecutive reads of the same data due to asynchronous clocks between the Master and Slave devices. Anyone agree? Not ideal, but for my application would be OK.
Thanks in advance, Dave