Hello engineers,
Could you verify the following:
If one would like to get 256 unique ID's based on hardware then the following steps need to be followed:
- Read the scratchpad
- Modify the scratchpad such that FLEX_ADDR_MODE='01b'
- Calculate the CRC of the modified scratchpad
- Write the modified scratchpad to the device
- Read the scratchpad again and save SHORT_ADDRESS[3:0]
- Modify the scratchpad such that FLEX_ADDR_MODE='10b'
- Calculate the CRC of the modified scratchpad
- Write the modified scratchpad to the device
- ? 'place the device in shut down mode' ?
- Wait 2.8ms
- Read the scratchpad again and save SHORT_ADDRESS[3:0]
Step 9 is what I'm struggling with, what is shut down mode?
With regards,