Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843, AWR2243
I am using DCA1000 to get the data from AWR1843. I used postProc button in mmWave studio to see the plots corresponding the obtained raw data.
But I am trying to develop the script to generate the plots like rangeDoppler plot, rangeDoppler plot and pointCloud plot.
From tidueo9.pdf, I figured out that the processing of the raw data requires steps like
1) Range-FFT,
2) Dopple-FFT,
3) CFAR deptection,
4) Angle estimation,
5) Clustering.
From section 2.1 of tidueo9.pdf, I am able to perform the Range-FFT and Doppler-FFT and get the rangeDoppler plot.
But I am unable to apply CFAR. In tidueo9.pdf it is told that the CASO-CFAR detection in applied in range domain, CA-CFAR detection is applied in Doppler domain on rangeDoppler data.
Generally, CFAR is performed by comparing the cell under test (CUT) with a threshold. This threshold value varies depending on the CUT, The threshold for each CUT is obtained by multiplying the noise estimate calculated from the neighborhood of CUT with a scaling factor.
But in the miscellaneous options window of postProc in mmWave studio, it is mentioned that for CA-CFAR threshold is 18dB. But in CFAR the threshold is not constant.
So I am not able to get how the CFAR is appled by postProc of mmWave studio.
Also, in tidueo9.pdf it is told that the CASO-CFAR detection in applied in range domain, CA-CFAR detection is applied in Doppler domain. But miscellaneous options window selected CA-CFAR method only. So I am confused.
Please tell how CFAR is applied on RangeDoppler data for obtaining the point clouds for AWR1843