IWRL1432: Question on raw data capture with mmwave studio

Part Number: IWRL1432


Hi expert,

I'm trying to capture raw data on IWRL1432 EVM board with mmwave studio but it failed to power up using LUA scripts in this directory.


I modified DFP directory and COM port in this script as below.


But it failed to power up 1432 RF as below log.

14:02:01]  [RadarAPI]: Starting Matlab Engine..
[14:02:09]  [RadarAPI]: Matlab Engine Started!
[14:02:09]  xw_status = mws.RadarlinkVersion()
[14:02:09]  --RadarlinkVersion =
[14:02:09]  xw_status = mws.StudiolinkVersion()
[14:02:09]  --StudiolinkVersion =
[14:02:09]  xw_status = mws.GuiVersion()
[14:02:09]  --GuiVersion =
[14:02:09]  s_version = mws.GetPostProcVersion()
[14:02:10]  [RadarAPI]: mws.LoadSettings('C:\Users\a0282268\AppData\Roaming\RSTD\ar1gui.ini')
[14:02:10]  xw_status, deviceMapInfo = mws.getFtdiDeviceInfo()
[14:02:10]  TESTING = false
[14:02:10]  DeviceIndex:0; SerialNumber:FT7R2YQS; Description:AR-DevPack-EVM-012 
[14:02:10]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:10]  RstdNet: Port 2777: Listening..
[14:02:10]  --(getNumDevices): xw_return = 0; numFtdiDevices = 1
[14:02:10]  ***Script completed successfully.***
[14:02:49]  s_version = mws.GetPostProcVersion()
[14:02:49]  mws.ftdiResetAllDevices()
[14:02:49]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:49]  xw_status = mws.selectBDType(0, 0, 1, 0)
[14:02:49]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:49]  xw_status = mws.selectComIfType(1, 1000, 0, 2, 0)
[14:02:49]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:49]  [RadarAPI]: mws.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000")
[14:02:49]  [RadarAPI]: Status: Passed
[14:02:49]  xw_status = mws.captureCardCfgResetFPGA()
[14:02:49]  [RadarAPI]: Sending reset_fpga command to DCA1000
[14:02:50]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:50]  Reset FPGA command : Success
[14:02:50]  --xw_status=0
[14:02:50]  xw_status = mws.captureCardEthernetCfg("", "", "", 4096, 4098, 1)
[14:02:50]  [RadarAPI]: Sending eeprom command to DCA1000
[14:02:51]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:51]  EEPROM Configuration command : Success
[14:02:51]  --xw_status=0
[14:02:51]  xw_status = mws.captureCardModeCfg(1,1,1,2, 1, 25)
[14:02:51]  [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga command to DCA1000
[14:02:51]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:51]  FPGA Configuration command : Success
[14:02:51]  [RadarAPI]: Sending record command to DCA1000
[14:02:52]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:52]  Configure Record command : Success
[14:02:52]  --xw_status=0
[14:02:52]  xw_status, s_version, s_dllVersion = mws.getCaptureCardFPGAVersion()
[14:02:52]  [RadarAPI]: Sending fpga_version command to DCA1000
[14:02:52]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:52]  FPGA Version : 2.8 [Record]
[14:02:52]  [RadarAPI]: Sending dll_version command to DCA1000
[14:02:53]  [RadarAPI]: 
[14:02:53]  DLL Version : 1.0
[14:02:53]  --xw_status=0
[14:02:53]  xw_status = mws.sopControl(0, 3)
[14:02:53]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:53]  xw_status = mws.nReset(0)
[14:02:54]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:54]  xw_status = mws.rs232Config(0, 35, 0, 0)
[14:02:55]  xw_status, lot, wafer, devX, devY = mws.decodeDieId(3357625344, 1074709700)
[14:02:55]  DeviceType:36893x
[14:02:55]  SafetyType:1
[14:02:55]  ES_PG_Version1
[14:02:55]  SOP_MODE:3
[14:02:55]  DieId:32456.1277607936.3357625344.1074709700
[14:02:55]  XTAL_Type:1
[14:02:55]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:55]  xw_status = mws.sopDebugFwPreBootCfg(0, 1, 0, 0)
[14:02:56]  --xw_status = 0
[14:02:56]  xw_status = mws.fwRprcDownload(0, 2, "C:\\ti\\MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01\\firmware\\mmwave_dfp\\rfevalfirmware\\appss\\mmwave_plt_rfeval_rprc.bin")
[14:03:04]  --xw_status = 0
[14:03:04]  xw_status = mws.sopDebugFwPostBootCfg(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
[14:03:04]  --xw_status = 0
[14:03:04]  xw_status = mws.fwRprcDownload(0, 0, "C:\\ti\\MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01\\firmware\\mmwave_dfp\\rfsfirmware\\xWRL1432\\mmwave_rfs_rprc.bin")
[14:03:14]  --xw_status = 0
[14:03:14]  xw_status = mws.fwRprcDownload(0, 1, "C:\\ti\\MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_04_00_01\\firmware\\mmwave_dfp\\rfevalfirmware\\rfsatecal\\xWRL1432\\mmwave_rfs_atecal_rprc.bin")
[14:03:15]  --xw_status = 0
[14:03:15]  xw_status, t_deviceStatus = mws.devicePowerup(0, 0, 0, 0)
[14:03:17]  -----------rfEvalDevAppStsGet----------- 
[14:03:17]  [DFP API]xw_status, response=mws.rfEvalDevAppStsGet(0)
[14:03:17]  --[[ Response
[14:03:17]                c_GenVerNum = 0                               
[14:03:17]              c_MajorVerNum = 0                               
[14:03:17]              c_MinorVerNum = 0                               
[14:03:17]              c_BuildVerNum = 0                               
[14:03:17]                     c_Year = 0                               
[14:03:17]                    c_Month = 0                               
[14:03:17]                     c_Date = 0                               
[14:03:17]                 c_Reserved = 0                               
[14:03:17]                  h_FwState = 0                               
[14:03:17]                 c_XtalType = 0                               
[14:03:17]             c_DigPllStatus = 0                               
[14:03:17]         c_AppCoreClockType = 0                               
[14:03:17]               c_SafetyType = 0                               
[14:03:17]           h_CoreFreqFcount = 0                               
[14:03:17]               c_PlatformId = 0                               
[14:03:17]                   c_RfType = 0                               
[14:03:17]               c_TestTarget = 0                               
[14:03:17]               c_TestStatus = 0                               
[14:03:17]                w_reserved1 = 0                               
[14:03:17]  ]]
[14:03:17]  --xw_status: -2007 (RL_SPIBUSY_TIMEOUT)
[14:03:17]  Device Power Up Failed-2007
[14:03:17]  --xw_status = -2007
[14:03:17]  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
[14:03:17]  ***Script FAILED!***
[14:03:17]  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
[14:03:17]  Exception message is:
[14:03:17]  ...labExamples\LUA_examples\common_device_setup_77G.lua:64: ERROR: API failed

My SOP set up on EVM board is 

S1.1 ON

S1.2 ON

S1.3 OFF

S1.4 OFF

S1.5 OFF

S1.6 ON

S4.1 OFF

S4.2 OFF

S4.3 OFF

S4.4 ON

Could you please provide a LUA script which could run data capture on 1432 EVM with mmwave studio?  Thank you.



  • Hello Allen,

    Just to confirm and start, have you referred to the DCA1000 User Guide found on the Radar Toolbox? https://dev.ti.com/tirex/explore/node?node=A__AGTrhNYW8jE6cMxbovlfaA__radar_toolbox__1AslXXD__LATEST

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Pedrhom,

    Thank you for reply. I read this user guide and change the DFP version and now i can initialize 1432 correctly. 

    But when i tried to run C:\ti\mmwave_studio_04_01_00_06\mmWaveStudio\Scripts\MatlabExamples\LUA_examples\chirp_77G_6m.lua.  It reported error.

    Could you please check below log and give me some suggestion? Thank you.

    BTW, i did not modify chirp_77G_6m.lua.

    [11:21:26] -----------fecRfPwrOnOff-----------
    [11:21:26] [DFP API]xw_status=mws.fecRfPwrOnOff(0,{h_RxChCtrlBitMask=7,h_TxChCtrlBitMask=3,c_Reserved=0,c_MiscCtrl=1,h_Reserved1=0,w_Reserved2=0})
    [11:21:26] --xw_status: 0 (SUCCESS)
    [11:21:27] xw_status, w_freqCode = mws.sensConvFreqToCode(0, 0, 1, 76000)
    [11:21:27] xw_status = 0
    [11:21:27] w_freqCode = 48640
    [11:21:27] xw_status, w_slopeCode = mws.sensConvSlopeToCode(0,1,2.2)
    [11:21:27] xw_status = 0
    [11:21:27] w_slopeCode = 58
    [11:21:27] --mws.fecRfBootCal
    [11:21:27] Invalid fieldName: w_Reserved2; Make Sure field names are as per lua table documentation
    [11:21:27] Skipped parsing lua table
    [11:21:27] --xw_status: -1
    [11:21:27] xw_status, l_freqInMHz = mws.sensConvCodeToFreq(0, 0, 1, 0)
    [11:21:27] xw_status = 0
    [11:21:27] l_freqInMHz = 0
    [11:21:27] xw_status, l_slopeInMHzPerus = mws.sensConvCodeToSlope(0,1,0)
    [11:21:27] xw_status = 0
    [11:21:27] l_slopeInMHzPerus = 0
    [11:21:27] Value of '0' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'.
    [11:21:27] Parameter name: Value; at System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown.set_Value(Decimal value)
    [11:21:27] at AR1xController.DeviceControl.dct_UpdateGuiRfFactCal()
    [11:21:27] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
    [11:21:27] ***Script FAILED!***
    [11:21:27] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
    [11:21:27] Exception message is:
    [11:21:27] ...Scripts\MatlabExamples\LUA_examples\chirp_77G_6m.lua:22: ERROR: API failed

  • Hello

    Could you try the following?






  • Hi Pedrhom,

    I modified the lua according to your suggestion.


    fecRfPwrOnOff is passed. It looks like fecRfBootCal failed as below.

    [10:22:51] --mws.fecRfBootCal
    [10:22:51] Invalid fieldName: w_Reserved2; Make Sure field names are as per lua table documentation
    [10:22:51] Skipped parsing lua table
    [10:22:51] --xw_status: -1
    [10:22:51] xw_status, l_freqInMHz = mws.sensConvCodeToFreq(0, 0, 1, 0)
    [10:22:51] xw_status = 0
    [10:22:51] l_freqInMHz = 0
    [10:22:51] xw_status, l_slopeInMHzPerus = mws.sensConvCodeToSlope(0,1,0)
    [10:22:51] xw_status = 0
    [10:22:51] l_slopeInMHzPerus = 0
    [10:22:51] Value of '0' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'.
    [10:22:51] Parameter name: Value; at System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown.set_Value(Decimal value)
    [10:22:51] at AR1xController.DeviceControl.dct_UpdateGuiRfFactCal()

    I want to use help to get the lua table description but there is no details.

    >help mws.fecRfBootCal
    Int32,LuaTable& mws.fecRfBootCal(Byte c_deviceId, LuaTable config) - fecRfBootCal
    _I_ Byte c_deviceId - c_deviceId
    _I_ LuaTable config - Config Lua Table
    _O_ LuaTable& response - Lua Table Response

    Please help to check how to fix this. 

    Thank you.



  • Hi Allen, 

    Pedrhom is currently out of office and will respond when he returns next week.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Allen,

    You may have an ES2 device. In the Radar Toolbox we have LUA scripts for ES2 devices. Could you try modifying the 6432 scripts found at radar_toolbox\tools\scripts\mmWaveStudio_luaExamples, all that needs changing is start frequency for 77GHz, and running one of those?

    Best Regards,
