I'm trying to figure out how to read the GPADC channels on our IWR6843.
The doxygen for function rlSetGpAdcConfig looks like this:
/** @fn rlReturnVal_t rlSetGpAdcConfig(rlUInt8_t deviceMap, rlGpAdcCfg_t* data)
* @brief : Configure GP ADC data parameters
* @param[in] deviceMap - Bitmap of devices to send the message
* @param[in] data - Configuration parameter for GP ADC
* @return rlReturnVal_t Success - 0, Failure - Error Code
* This API enables the GPADC reads for external inputs (available only in xWR1642/xWR6843/
* xWR1843). xWR1642/xWR1843 sends GP-ADC measurement data in async event
* @note : The actual measurement of these GPADC signal are done in inter-burst or frame idle
* time and the result AE sub block will be sent only after completing all the
* measurements.
It states that GPADC measurements are sent in async events on xWR1642/xWR1843, what about IWR6843?