Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-00463
TI Team,
I am working on a proto setup with two DRV425 in Differentail mode to measure electrical activity of an insulated AC electrical cable (3-Conductor cable, ~10kV). The goal is to find if the cable is energized or not by keeping the DRV425 setup about 1cm away from the cable.
When measured with commerical EMF meters, the flux coming out of the insulated cable is around 10uT to 300uT depending on the load. The two DRV425s are separated by about 10mm on the PCB and the axis of sensitivity are aligned and are perpendicular to the current flow direction of the cable. DRV's are powered by 3.3V and using VDD/2 for VREF internal.
What are the best approaches for selecting the RSHUNT value to make it sensitive for the ~10uT readings - which is the challenging part.