About the power-on sequence of AWR6843, do all external voltage rails need to obey the following figure completely, or just all external voltage rails are stable before reset is de-asserted ?
Michael Su
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About the power-on sequence of AWR6843, do all external voltage rails need to obey the following figure completely, or just all external voltage rails are stable before reset is de-asserted ?
Michael Su
Hi Michael,
Thanks for reaching out to TI. I will get back to you on this query shortly.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Michael,
The AWR6843 device expects all external voltage rails to be stable before reset is de-asserted. Please ensure that 3.3V supply ramps up only after the ramping up of other MMIC supplies as mentioned in the power-up sequence diagram.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Sivaprasad,
So, you mean just to ensure the 3.3V ramps up after the other power rails ramp up, don't care the power-on sequence of the VDDIN (1.2V), 1.8V and RF power rail (1.0V) ?
Our power-on sequence is as follows:
1.2V, 1.8V and 1.0V are powered on simultaneoulsy, then, the 3.3V is powerd on, the sequence is OK ?
Michael Su
Hi Michael,
The sequence should be okay. 1.2V, 1.8V and 1.0V can be simultaneously generated before 3.3V.
Thanks and Regards,