I have a SMS7621-060 diode connected to the LM95234 on channel 2. I have a 2n3904 connected to channel 1. the chip set up is as fallows.
read speed = constant diode model = MMBT3904; enable all remote not local; filter enabled on channel 1 and 2.
the output of channel 1 matched the oven temp the output of the 0201 diode falls of at 80C and comes back after the temp lowers again.
what I would like to know is if there is a 0201 diode that any have used that works, even with some adjustment, up to 140-160C OR if there is a setting I can change to get the current diode to operate above the 80C that it crashes at now. I can not change the diode to something larger than an 0201 package. any other options would be very helpful.