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CCS/IWR6843ISK: IWR6843ISK DSS part not working.

Part Number: IWR6843ISK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843, IWR1642, IWR1843

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi sir,

I port the lab sample code ''lab0012_srr_16xx" to IWR6843ISK.

And the mss is work.

It shows "Debug: Sensor will start momentarily. "  and the parameter "subframeCntFromFrameStart" is counting. (Is it means the chirp is radioed now?)

but why the DSS part doesn't work?(No parameters are refreshed in "gSrrDSSMCB")

Any suggestion?




  • Hi sir,

    I found it didn't into the function "SRR_DSS_initTask" cause I had set a system_printf  here(show as the fig) but it didn't print out.

    but it had print out "dss_Task_create"

    is it means the "Task_create" is not work correctly?

    Any suggest to modify this part?

    BTW. All of this are operating on the IWR6843ISK ES2.0.





  • Hi Frank,

    Could you please enumerate the steps you followed to port the above lab to IWR6843? Please make sure you follow all the steps given in section 2.3.4 of the following migration guide.

    Section: Migrating From IWR1642 to IWR6843 ES2.0 (Please refer to software migration notes under 2.3.4)



  • Hi sir,

    I already followed this migrate guide but it still not worked.

    Any detail way to check this issuse?




  • HI sir,

    Any update?

    Please help to clarify this problem A.S.A.P



  • Hi Frank,

    We will need to look at a few things to understand what's going on, including making sure that you have followed all the steps correctly in section 3.1.4.

    1. First, to ensure the sanity of the platform, please try to run the mmw demo from SDK 3.3 on your IWR6843ISK and make sure that you are able to see visualize the point cloud in the visualizer.

    2. If step-1 works fine, provide the complete CCS build logs for the original and ported projects for comparison.

    3. Provide the chirp configuration you are using with the version ported to IWR6843 ES2.0 (this is check that you have migrated the chirp from 77GHz (1642) to 60GHz platform (6843)

    I would also recommend another way you can approach this porting which could be simpler. We already have the SRR demo migrated to IWR1843 available in the Automotive toolbox. Here's the link: Medium Range Radar. I would suggest you to use this as the base as it is based on SDK 3.1 and hence simpler to upgrade to SDK 3.3 (which is required for IWR6843 ES2.0). You can then make similar changes from the migration guide to port this demo to SDK 3.3 and IWR6843.

