Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LDC1314, LDC1312, LDC1612, LDC1614
Hi team,
I have a question about UNREAD_CONV timing at sequential mode which is described in snoa959.pdf(LDC1312, LDC1314, LDC1612, LDC1614 Sensor Status Monitoring) P7 Figure 3.
When the device completed all 4 channel conversion all UNREAD_CONVxs are set, DRDY is set.
Then next conversion of CH0 start.
My question is "During this next CH0 conversion, UNREAD_CONV0 will be cleared"?
Or is it kept set?
I monitored UNREAD_CONV flag every 16ms cycle (settle time + conversion time + channel switch delay < 7ms),
but I still see UNREAD_CONV3 flag to be set sometime.