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LDC1614-Q1: UNREAD_CONVx clear condition

Part Number: LDC1614-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LDC1314, LDC1312, LDC1612, LDC1614

 Hi team,


I have a question about UNREAD_CONV timing at sequential mode which is described in snoa959.pdf(LDC1312, LDC1314, LDC1612, LDC1614 Sensor Status Monitoring) P7 Figure 3.

When the device completed all 4 channel conversion all UNREAD_CONVxs are set, DRDY is set.

Then next conversion of CH0 start.  


My question is "During this next CH0 conversion, UNREAD_CONV0 will be cleared"?

Or is it kept set?


I monitored UNREAD_CONV flag every 16ms cycle (settle time + conversion time + channel switch delay < 7ms),

but I still see UNREAD_CONV3 flag to be set sometime.




  • Hello Tsuji-san,

    The UNREAD_CONVx flags are cleared by reading either the corresponding DATAx register or reading the STATUS register. If new conversions complete before either of those registers are read, then the flag will stay set. The flags can also be cleared by entering sleep/shutdown mode or by resetting the device, but I assume you are not focusing on these methods. 

    Can you clarify if the timing you shared is per channel? Or is that the time it takes to sample all of the channels? 

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Kristin,

    6.5ms is the time for all 4 channel conversion.

    16ms is the readout cycle time of all four channels data.

    I wait enough time =16ms to make sure all channels get UNREAD_CONV, but actually some of the channel sometimes not set.

    No sleep/reset/status read before reading out the status register.

    I can share you the raw data log off line.


  • Hi Tsuji-san,

    Thank you for the clarification. It would be helpful to see the raw data log. You can either attach it to the E2E thread or email it to me, whichever you prefer.

    Can you also share your RCOUNTx and SETTLECOUNTx register settings and your FREF value?

    Best Regards,