We are using LM60-Q1 analog output temperature sensor using in our design. It is used in Electric Power Steering ECU PCB board temperature monitoring purposes.
Currently we are using 0.1uf capacitor in VCC only and not provided any capacitor in the output pin. It's directly connected to the MCU. 10bit ADC using inside MCU, while reading the sensor output to the Analg to digital conversion the values are fluctuating. It is not stable. As per the data sheet calculation the output varies from 30 deg to 50 deg (20 deg difference).
I tried to capture in the multi-meter and CRO but not able to capture. It's showing like 1 or 2 deg variation. But from ADC output count value showing difference between 30 deg to 50 deg. Because of this issue in output pin is it mandatory to use capacitor...?
Kindly suggest for this Electric Power Steering ECU application this temperature sensor is ok or any other sensor need to use.