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Hello there,
I want to try the PGA460PSM-EVM demo card with Arduino. I want to use the Arduino Software (IDE) to try it out. I downloaded file that "PGA460 Energia Library and Code Example (Version 1.0.9) (Rev. I)". This code include "Energia.h" library but I haven't got this. Could you send me this library?
And I have an additional question. For which arduino is this arduino code written? (UNO, MEGA etc.) How do I know which pin of the Arduino will be connected to which pin of the PGA460PSM-EVM?
I need answers very urgently.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lacin,
The Energia library code was written for the TI LaunchPad ecosystem, not Arduino specifically. To enable the Arduino code, you will need to replace the "Energia.h" reference with "Arduino.h".
You will also need to change the mapping of the UART pins in the PGA460_USSC.cpp file to match your Arduino's UART pin out. For example, the UART pins are currently:
#define RXD_LP 3
#define TXD_LP 4
When porting to Arduino UNO for example, you should change these these to the SERIAL pins at: 0(RX), 1(TX)
#define RXD_LP 0
#define TXD_LP 1
Only the UART pins are required to run the sketches on the PGA460PSM-EVM. All of the other pins are optional. (If you need to use SPI instead, there are significantly more changes you'd need to make.)
Also note, the Arduino uses 5V logic level communication. The PGA460PSM-EVM defaults to 3.3V logic level communication as-is. You will need to add a pull-up resistor to the PGA460 TEST pin to enable 5V logic level communication as described in section "7.3.12 TEST Pin Functionality" of the PGA460 datasheet.
Thanks for your answer.
If you have, could you share with me Arduino codes? This code is too long and I'm not sure I can make it completely. If you don't have the code or don't want to share it with me, can you at least tell me all the settings that need to be changed? I want to use SPI.
Thank you.
Hi Lacin,
We don't have Arduino specific code available for the PGA460 at the moment, but you can refer to the following post for additional detailed instruction on porting the code: