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OPT8241-CDK-EVM run hand tracking Error

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT9221, OPT8320

Hi Ti

When trying to run hand tracking camera is identified and profile is successfully set but binary matrix is getting blank,as  blow.

init done
opengl support available
INFO: TintinCDKCamera: Board revision = 2.0
INFO: ParameterDMLParser: Found register map with name 'OPT9221' (vPG1P0)

INFO: HardwareSerializer: Received 44716 bytes from hardware in 2.03482 s
INFO: Data2DCodec: Original number of 8-bit offsets = 2061
INFO: Data2DCodec: Number of invalid pixels in original data = 0
INFO: Data2DCodec: Current number of 8-bit offsets = 2061
INFO: CameraSystem: Successfully refreshed parameters for TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::922463918652).
4, MetrliusHighAmbient (HW)
3, MetrilusShortRange (HW)
2, MetrilusLongRange (HW)
1, MetrilusLenseOnly (HW)
132, No Calibration
131, High Ambient
130, Long Range
129, Short Range
128, Lens Only
Profile ID = 2
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'op_clk_freq'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'unambiguous_range'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'sub_frame_cnt_max'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'quad_cnt_max'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'intg_duty_cycle'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'illum_power_percentage'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'delay_fb_corr_mode'
INFO: DepthCamera: Setting parameter 'delay_fb_dc_corr_mode'
Profile setting succeeded.
INFO: ToFCameraBase: Starting with 320x240@30.0001fps
_dealiasedPhaseMask = 2, _dealiasedPhaseMaskInPhaseOffset = 4

Help us to solve this issue



  • Have you solved this problem?
  • Hi, lee. I built Simple_People_Tracking successfully. When I run ' ./SimplePeopleTracking' , it says 'Failed to get configuration file 'TintinCDKCamera.conf'. The detailed information is below:

    firefly@firefly:~/Software/DemoApplications/TinTin/simple_people_tracking/build$ make
    Scanning dependencies of target SimplePeopleTracking
    [ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/SimplePeopleTracking.dir/SimplePeopleTracking.cpp.o
    [ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/SimplePeopleTracking.dir/Horus.cpp.o
    [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/SimplePeopleTracking.dir/TOFApp.cpp.o
    Linking CXX executable SimplePeopleTracking
    [100%] Built target SimplePeopleTracking

    firefly@firefly:~/Software/DemoApplications/TinTin/simple_people_tracking/build$ ./SimplePeopleTracking
    ERROR: ConfigurationFile: Failed to get configuration file 'TintinCDKCamera.conf'
    ERROR: ToFTintinCamera: Failed to locate/read DML file ''
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).scratch1
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).vco_freq2
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Failed to update value for parameter 'mod_freq2'
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).vco_freq1
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Failed to update value for parameter 'mod_freq1'
    ERROR: CameraSystem: Could not refresh parameters for TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).
    Profile MetrilusLongRangenot found.
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).intg_duty_cycle
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).row_start
    ERROR: ToFTintinCamera: Could not get necessary parameters for ROI.
    ERROR: ToFCamera: Could not reset ROI
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).quad_cnt_max
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).bin_row_count
    ERROR: DepthCamera: Unknown parameter TintinCDKCamera(0::0451:9105::10411041039115).bin_row_count
    ERROR: ToFCameraBase: Could not get current frame size

    But I found this config files in '/usr/share/voxel-0.6.9/conf', as below shows:

    firefly@firefly:/usr/share/voxel-0.6.9$ ls
    conf fw
    firefly@firefly:/usr/share/voxel-0.6.9$ cd conf
    firefly@firefly:/usr/share/voxel-0.6.9/conf$ ls
    CalculusCDKCamera.conf TintinCDKCameraHighAmbient.conf
    CalculusCDKCameraLensOnly.conf TintinCDKCameraLensOnly.conf
    CalculusCDKCameraNormal.conf TintinCDKCameraLongRange.conf
    HaddockCDKCamera.conf TintinCDKCameraNoCalibration.conf
    HaddockCDKCameraNormal.conf TintinCDKCameraPhaseOffset.bin
    OPT8320.dml TintinCDKCameraShortRange.conf
    OPT9220.dml Voxel14Camera.conf
    OPT9221.dml Voxel14CameraNormal.conf
    RTS5825Camera.conf Voxel14CameraPhaseOffset.bin
    RTS5825CameraNoCalibration.conf Voxel14CameraTestMode.conf
    RTS5825CameraNormal.conf VoxelDCamera.conf
    TintinCDKCamera.conf VoxelDCameraNormal.conf

    It seems the application cannot find this config files automatically. Do you know how to solve this problem? Any help would be much appreciated!
  • Lee,

    The binary image should show hand "blobs" when you put your hand in front of the camera.  It would be that threshold values are improper.

    Try to display other image maps in the system and see what maybe going on, or tweak the thresholds.


  • Bruce,

    When you build the file, try this:

    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..

    Then run. The code may be looking for config file in /usr/local/share/voxel-sdk-xxxx instead.

  • Hi,Larry. Thank you for your help.

    The problem is solved. I think I made a very low level mistake.

    When I build the people_tracking app, I got an error report. It says ' ../TOFApp.h:19:26: fatal error: CameraSystem.h: No such file or directory #include <CameraSystem.h> ' .

    I'm sure I have already installed voxelsdk successfully. Because when I run 'VoxelCLI' in terminal, everything is fine. So I checked the CMakelists.txt of this app. I found this 'set(VOXEL_INCLUDE_DIRS . /usr/include/voxel /usr/include/voxel/pcl /usr/include/voxel/ti3dtof /usr/include/voxel/Filter ) '. But actually, in '/usr/include' directory, the voxel dir name is 'voxel-0.6.9', not 'voxel'.

    I have two choice to avoid this error. Change the voxel-0.6.9 dir name to voxel or add '-0.6.9' after '../voxel ' in CMakelists.txt. At last, I chosed the former one(Because I don't want to copy-paste '-0.6.9' many times -_-). This time, I built this app successfully, but when I run ' ./SimplePeopleTracking' , it says 'Failed to get configuration file 'TintinCDKCamera.conf'. I tried 'VoxelCLI', also got the same error.
    At this time, I reliazed my mistake.

    I run 'make install' in voxelsdk build dir again and 'VoxelCLI' is normal. This time, I choosed the latter one, add '-0.6.9' after '../voxel ' in CMakelists.txt. After rebuilt people_tracking app and run './PeopleTracking' in terminal, everything is fine!