mmWave SDK .
Silicon revision ES1.0
Code Composer Studio Version:
I am attempting to change the parameters in the profileCfg command being sent to a slightly modified version of the people counting demo (from industrial toolbox v2.3.0) to try at give better sensing at reduced range. It functions correctly using the configuration provided with the demo:
dfeDataOutputMode 1 channelCfg 15 3 0 adcCfg 2 1 adcbufCfg 0 1 1 1 profileCfg 0 77 30 7 62 0 0 60 1 128 2500 0 0 30 chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 frameCfg 0 1 128 0 50 1 0 lowPower 0 0 guiMonitor 1 1 0 0 cfarCfg 6 4 4 0 0 16 16 4 4 50 62 0 doaCfg 600 1875 30 0 SceneryParam -6 6 0.05 4 GatingParam 4 3 2 0 StateParam 10 5 10 100 5 AllocationParam 250 0.01 5 1 2 VariationParam 0.289 0.289 1.0 trackingCfg 1 2 250 20 200 50 90 sensorStart
But if I attempt to change the configuration I get errors. For example, Changing profileCfg parameters to the ones given in the mm Wave Sensing Estimator for the short range default:
profileCfg 0 77 7 6.3 50.06 0 0 58.13 1 223 4306 0 0 30
It gives this console log:
[Cortex_R4_0] ********************************************** Debug: Launching the Millimeter Wave Demo ********************************************** Debug: MMWDemoMSS Launched the Initialization Task Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 2832, Free = 62704 bytes Debug: MMWDemoMSS mmWave Control Initialization was successful [C674X_0] Debug: Logging UART Instance @00816150 has been opened successfully Debug: DSS Mailbox Handle @0080c148 Debug: MMWDemoDSS create event handle succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS mmWave Control Initialization succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS ADCBUF Instance(0) @00816120 has been opened successfully Debug: MMWDemoDSS Data Path init succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS initTask exit [Cortex_R4_0] Debug: CLI is operational Debug: Heap before creating a tracker Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 27864, Free = 37672 bytes Debug: (GtrackModuleInstance *)0x8008e18 Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 51392, Free = 14144 bytes Debug: MMWDemoMSS Received CLI sensorStart Event Error: MMWDemoMSS mmWave Configuration failed [Error code -203685722]
And if I use these parameters generated using the sensing estimator:
profileCfg 0 77 429 7 57.14 0 0 70 1 256 5209 0 0 30
I get this in the console:
[Cortex_R4_0] ********************************************** Debug: Launching the Millimeter Wave Demo ********************************************** Debug: MMWDemoMSS Launched the Initialization Task Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 2832, Free = 62704 bytes Debug: MMWDemoMSS mmWave Control Initialization was successful [C674X_0] Debug: Logging UART Instance @00816150 has been opened successfully Debug: DSS Mailbox Handle @0080c148 Debug: MMWDemoDSS create event handle succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS mmWave Control Initialization succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS ADCBUF Instance(0) @00816120 has been opened successfully Debug: MMWDemoDSS Data Path init succeeded Debug: MMWDemoDSS initTask exit [Cortex_R4_0] Debug: CLI is operational Debug: Heap before creating a tracker Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 27864, Free = 37672 bytes Debug: (GtrackModuleInstance *)0x8008e18 Debug: System Heap (TCM): Size: 65536, Used = 51392, Free = 14144 bytes Debug: MMWDemoMSS Received CLI sensorStart Event Error: MMWDemoMSS mmWave Configuration failed [Error code -203816638]
How do I go about decoding these error codes to find out what the problem is? Is there any reference as to what the limitations on the profile configuration are for the people counting demo? Additionally what would the best way be to go about working out configurations for this as the sensing estimator does not seem to give configurations that work for this?
Many thanks,