Test environment: IWR1642 ES2.0 EVM + mmWave SDK 2.0
I tried to modify the L3 mapping. I added the code to change the value of SHMEMBANKSEL7TO4 to 0x02010101 before SOC_mpu_config() in SOC_deviceInit(). But I found after rebuild the soc lib and the ccsdebug code and run, I still can't change the value of the extend TCMA address from 0x40000 to 0x5FFFF.
But if I changed the shared memory alloc for MulticoreImageGen.exe to 0x00000105, then I can change the value from from 0x40000 to 0x5FFFF. It seems ROM code change the value of SHMEMBANKSEL7TO4 and made the remap work.
Why changing SHMEMBANKSEL7TO4 doesn't make L3 remap work if I do it in SOC_deviceInit()? Is there any steps I must follow? Thanks.