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Part Number: IWR6843ISK-ODS

Dear Mr, or Ms.

Thanks for your supports,

We are run the IWR6843-ODS ISK;  with GUI_A_base_no_logic;

According to the "mmw_pplcount_demo_default.cfg", we can not understand the below? could you tell us the detail about the below?

for example, we want to set a detector range. how to change the range (or means FOV)?

SceneryParam -4.0 4 0.1 8 -4 4
GatingParam 3 2 2 2 12
AllocationParam 100 120 0.1 10 2 20
StateParam 10 5 10 100 5
VariationParam 0.2887 0.2887 1 1
MaxAcceleration 0.1 0.1 0.1
AllocZone 0 1
CloudPersistence 0
trackingCfg 1 2 250 10 200 100 90

Thanks for yours supports.

  • Hi sir li,

    You cannot change the FOV of the sensor with software.

    The Scenery Params control the area where the tracker will try to track objects. For example, SceneryParam -4.0 4 0.1 8 -4 4 sets the X (left and right along the Azimuth) limits to be 4 meters to the left of the device and 4 meters to the right of the device.  (First 2 arguments.) Next, it sets the Y limits to be 0.1 meters in front of the sensor to 8 meters in front of the sensor (arguments 3 and 4).  Finally, the Z (above and below the sensor) limits are 4 meters below (-4) and 4 meters above (4) (arguments 5 and 6). Assume that these create a box in front of the sensor.

    To change the max range, you must change the profile config.  Please see the SDK user's guide and this document.

