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OPT3007: Reading error range between different OPT3007

Part Number: OPT3007

Hi Team,

Could you please help for this problem?

What is the reading error range of light sensitivity between different products of OPT3007 itself?(It means if the light is the same, what is the difference between the measured value of OPT3007A and OPT3007B ?)

  • Hi Amelie,

    The max deviation of the device from the correct lux value can be determined from the datasheet parameters. For auto-range and 800ms conv time the OPT3007 is calibrated for 2k lux single point within +/-20% accuracy. So at 2k lux worst case accuracy is +/-20%. For other light levels the linearity of the device should be taken into account and added in. That’s an additional 2% if >40lux or 5% if <40lux across the full range. There is also a very small drift across temp of 0.01%/deg C. So over a change of say 100 degC you would get an additional 1% there. This gives deviation from the correct value. In the same way we can get how much two devices could differ in the worst case by taking the worst case for one in the positive direction and the worst case for the other in the negative direction. Here the 20% is the biggest factor and will dominate so this variation can be estimated quickly as 20% in one direction for device A and 20% in the other direction for device B, but if you want to get an exact max value you will want to take all these factors into account.

