Dear TI support
I am using AWR1243 + mmwave studio ver2.0.0.1 to check the temperature and power in / out.
I have consulted the document: mmwave_studio_user_guide.pdf
in Analog TxMon & AnalogRxMon I chose Temperature & Tx0-2.fig1
fig1 fig2
but I don't know the results that appear, and in PostProc Temp_data.txt: 0 KB & MonitoringReport.txt: 0KB. fig2
so please tell me how to do it and where is the result displayed?
I see page 34 of the document (13.), do not see the EventMonitor tab on the tab bar (my tab does not have that tab) but on page 35 it does. fig3
so please tell me how to do it and where is the result displayed?
I see page 34 of the document (13.), do not see the EventMonitor tab on the tab bar (my tab does not have that tab) but on page 35 it does. fig3
please explain help me.
Best Regards,