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IWR1443BOOST: Cloud Agent Undetected - Acts As If Not Installed

Part Number: IWR1443BOOST

I am attempting to import a CCS Project (14xx - Vital Signs) via Code Composer Studio and I continuously get the "Error communicating with cloud agent - Could not get agent, make sure to check if the agent is installed before calling this component".  I have most certainly downloaded the agent and attempted to install several times.  The installation process seems to go smoothly, no errors.  I am administrator on this Win7, 64-bit machine.  Furthermore, if I launch, I am prompted to install the Cloud Agent.  Still, not detected.  I have tried this in both Chrome and Firefox; I have confirmed the browser plugins to be successfully installed.  Per the troubleshooting page, I have enabled what appears to be every logging feature within ticloudagent.bat:

@echo off

set PATH=%~dp0\util;%PATH%
set TI_DS_LOGGING_OUTPUT=c:/temp/my.log
echo ---ARGS--- %1 %2 %3 > c:/temp/my.log

if not exist "%windir%\system32\reg.exe" goto QUERY_BITSIZE_DONE
if not exist "%windir%\system32\find.exe" goto QUERY_BITSIZE_DONE
"%windir%\system32\reg" Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | "%windir%\system32\find" /i "x86" > NUL && set OS_BIT_SIZE=32||set OS_BIT_SIZE=64

if "%~1"=="not_chrome" goto NOT_CHROME else goto CHROME

echo ---CHROME--- >> c:/temp/my.log
"%~dp0/node.exe" "%~dp0/src/main_chrome.js" %*
goto END

echo ---NOT_CHROME--- >> c:/temp/my.log
"%~dp0/node.exe" "%~dp0/src/main.js" %*


Yet there are no logs whatsoever appearing in c:/temp.  The batch file is not being invoked by either CCS or the browser (I suspect it should if this is intended to produce log files at agent startup).  I have closed everything out.  Restarted everything, including the machine.  All the same results. 

Now, I have not made changes to the proxy.js file.  To be honest, I have yet to find an instruction that makes clear what this exports.proxy = ""; should be if something other than this default.

Lastly, is this agent even required?  Why is such an agent necessary to simply download a project and import it into my dev IDE?

Thank you!

  • Hi Christopher,

    "Lastly, is this agent even required?  Why is such an agent necessary to simply download a project and import it into my dev IDE?"

    To my knowledge, the cloud agent should not be required for downloading and importing into the CCS IDE. Which version of CCS are you using?



  • Thanks for your response, Nitin.  I am using CCS v.  It appears, from my research anyway, previous versions of CCS allowed you to simply download the project in the form of a zip file, then import it manually into the IDE.  It was easy and intuitive.  This newer version replaces that download button with an "Import" button, which in turn is intended to trigger the cloud agent.  Each time I click that, I get this error. 

    Note, I should add this is via the TI Resource Explorer within CCS.

  • Hi Christopher,

    We have not tested our Industrial toolbox projects with versions beyond CCSv8 which is why we specifically mention CCS 8.3 in our project software requirements. That being said, you should still be able to download the Industrial Toolbox as a zip file through Resource explorer in a browser as explained on this page (Refer section: "Via Web Browser")

    and import the project by searching it in the file-system as compared to one click import through Resource explorer inside CCS.

    For the specific issue related to CCS Cloud agent, and it's need there-of, I would suggest creating a ticket in the CCS forum (you can refer to this ticket for context).

