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Posting messages and replies broken in Firefox 78.11.0esr


I'm noticing if I try to post using Firefox (my default browser), I'm basically refused access.  The only hint is a pop-up that states "An error occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator."

(I'd put a screenshot up, but I'm having trouble dragging the file name shown in the 'ls' listing in my xterm to the browser.)

I'm working from home… so effectively, I am my own administrator.  I've spoken to myself at length about this issue, and I am confused as to why I am getting this error.

Developer tools reveals requests to these links are getting met with HTTP errors:

Posting triggers a similar 403 error for (exact link depends on which thread I reply to, here, I tried replying to a "test" thread someone else had created).

Clearly there's an authorisation bug.  How do we resolve it?  Having to fire up Chromium to do something I should be able to do in Firefox is getting annoying.