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New buttons in threads for users to point out usefulness


This is only a suggestion I think it could be helpful for us as users and for you as technical support.

It would be to add a pair of buttons to allow users to express how helpful was a thread and its posts, even if the thread is closed.

One thread button like "I have the same question" to indicate that the user had or have the same question.

One post button like "This have helped me" to indicate the user found the content of the post useful for him.

This way users can highlight which subjects or issues they are more interested in, and which answers helped them. This would also serve to thank the post writer for its support, even if the thread is closed. I have found myself many times wanting to do this but with a closed thread it is impossible to thank the writer.

On the other hand, you would have a great tool to know which issues are affecting more people, allowing you to prioritize efforts.

Best regards,

Juan Pablo Novo

  • Hi Juan,

    Thank you for your suggestion - we are always evaluating ways to improve our E2E support site.

    I will say that we had a similar function a few years ago and we found it wasn't used very often, but I agree it has been a few years and we need to go back and consider a refresh on this.

    Thank you again for you E2E contributions - have a great day,


    Manager, Online Support

    Texas Instruments