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MPC508: MPC508AU/1K

Part Number: MPC508

Need logic level, VIHmin,VIHmax, VOHmin, VOHmax, VILmin, VILmax, VOLmin, VOLmax, IIHmin, IIHmax, IILmin, IIHmax, IOHmin, IOHmax, IOLmin, IOLmax values. Kindly reply at the earliest.

  • Hello Lakshmi,

    The MPC508 (and all of TI's analog switches and multiplexers) are passive devices, meaning they won't drive an output but will instead just steer a signal that is driven externally. Therefore, there aren't any output logic specs (VOH/VOL/IOH/IOL).
    The VIH/VIL and the input leakage current are in the datasheet. However, this is an older datasheet and has some outdated terminology but the spec is still there under the DIgital Input Characteristics section labeled as VAL, VAH, and IA; VAL is the VIL, VAH is the VIH, IA is the input leakage for  both high and low.
