I have two GPS NMEA standard based. The system that receive GPS data required only one GPS data. The other GPS is for spare purposes.
I need to design a simple board that can connect with both GPS and using sliding or toggle switch can connect desire GPS with the system.
It's like wiring connection. The main goal of this PCB is to eliminate the manual connection of desire GPS each time.
I believe, i need a simple MUX 2X1 for this goal but i am not sure. I need help in selecting a simple chip for it. I don't need GPS receiver or anything like that. It is supposed to be very simple circuit to connect desire GPS data with the system.
It will also work if i connect only TX and power wires with the system because RX will be unused in this case all the time.
The second thing, I need to feed single GPS data to 6 devices. It will be 2nd stage of above circuit. It will take data from the selected GPS and then feed it to 6 receivers. In this stage, i need a buffer IC to boost the power of the data so distribute uniformly to all 6 devices.
I was able to feed single GPS data to 4 devices without any issue but i believe, i will need a buffer to feed to 6 devices to keep the power of coming data signal sustain.