Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS12A44515, TS12A44514, TS12A44513
Hello Community,
I have two different data communications that I need to interrupt in many places (hundreds) along their course with the least signal quality loss and least propagation speed loss possible at a reasonable price. (The interruptions are necessary to implement a re-routing to newly inserted bus segments via plugged-in modules. Those connections will be made through the plugs, no additional switching necessary for that)
One of the connections will either be I2C, CAN or a RS485 Bus running at their highest speeds, could be as high as 20 Mbps or even more (for RS-485)
The other one is a connection of daisy-chained WS2812b LED chips, where signals between 0.3us and 0.9 us duration are transferred with a timing tolerance of 150ns.
On one PCB, there will be between 8 and 16 of these interrupting switches. They are normally closed and need to be operated separately, one by one. Signal and supply voltage should be 5V (for now,could be lower in the future).
As I understand, there are no Normally closed 1:1 SPST switches, so I have to use 1:2 SPDT switches instead, correct. I found 8 coupled channels all switched by one input (the part number is mentioned in this post's header), but I did not find any IC with 8 or more separate switches. Do you offer any?
Reading the digital bus switch selection guide, it seemed that the output signal voltage of the switch does not always equal the input voltage? I need a switch that does not alter the signal form, of course. I guess I understood it wrong though as this requirement is quite basic. My 5V signals should remain 5V on the output side.
Can you recommend one or more of your bus switches for this task?
Is it necessary to use bus-specific signal regenerating ics to make up for any signal changes these switches might have?
Thanks and best regards