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i facing some sort of problems and i didnt understand how to toggle those, so please help me to solve those.
1) [09:51:38] ERROR >> C28xx: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1155 @ 0x0) Device may be operating in low-power mode. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
2) [09:59:20] C28xx: GEL Output:
ADC Calibration not complete, check if device is unlocked and recalibrate.
[09:59:20] C28xx: Starting Frequency Test, please wait...
[09:59:20] ERROR >> C28xx: Flash Programmer: Error starting frequency test. Device is locked or not connected. Operation cancelled.
[09:59:20] Flash operation FrequencyTest failed on core Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator/C28xx .
[09:59:34] C28xx: Frequency Test terminated.
3) [10:04:18] FATAL >> C28xx: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1015 @ 0x0) Device is not responding to the request. Device may be locked, or the emulator connection may be unreliable. Unlock the device if possible, and power-cycle the board. If error persists, confirm configuration and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
hello Gautam,
thanks for help, i solve problem. actually my reset and EMU connection are wrong. as EMU 0&1 are pullup by using resistor it again pull down by 0.1uF. and reset is active High pin i.e. for normal operation this pin must be low. and i make mistake on those two points.
. My name is AKHIL FRANCIS . I'm a newbie to DSPs. I chose TMs320f28335 custom development kit provided by a local vendor to start working on DSPs. After some research I could debug some example codes using CCS v5 with XDS100v2 USB emulator.
I Got the same Error Which you got while debugging,
Please provide the information about, how did you clear that error. It will be very helpful for me.
C28xx: Can't Run Target CPU: (Error -2060 @ 0x0) Requested operation cannot be done while device is running. Halt the device, and retry the operation. (Emulation package
C28xx: Trouble Halting Target CPU: (Error -2062 @ 0x0) Unable to halt device. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
Thanks in Advance
Akhil Francis
there may be two problems
1) your device may be in reset mode. check TRST pin of JTAG status and confirm your device not in reset mode
2) you must pull up TVRef pin of JTAG it must kept at +VCC with pull up resistor
normally TV Ref pin introduce this problem or your pull up resistor may introduce this problem so check this pin first