Part Number: TMS32TCI6614BSXCMS
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I use CGT 8.3.4 to build my project for C66 core.
And I'm getting following error, when compiling simple test that uses header-only JSON parser:
>> ./json.hpp, line 16176: INTERNAL ERROR: no match for PLUS
This may be a serious problem. Please contact customer support with a
description of this problem and a sample of the source files that caused this
INTERNAL ERROR message to appear.
Cannot continue compilation - ABORTING!
GCC builds same code without errors.
It looks like a compiler bug.
To reproduce error on attached sources:
~/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c6000_8.3.4/bin/cl6x -mv6600 -cpp --compile_only --include_path=${HOME}/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c6000_8.3.4/include --include_path=. ./test.cpp