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CCS/CCSTUDIO: Accessing CCS-specific variables on IDE/plugin level

Part Number: CCSTUDIO

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am having troubles with running unit tests on target using Parasoft C++test plugin. It is using scripting to connect to the debug server and I managed to bypass the use of ccs variables replacing them with actual paths, but the original problem persists. These specific variables seem to be missing at my version of CCS (Code Composer Studio 9.0.1):



The other ones like ${cpptest:cfg_dir} are resolved to the actual paths, but the ones above stay not resolved.

Maybe Parasoft uses ccs variables no longer used in newer ccs versions. But I would like to understand the syntax of using these variables. I have found no information on the Internet on any list of ccs variables available for use. The only place was CCS build settings and showing system variables, but these are simple variables with no colon in the middle of the variable.

Where can I find any documentation on this and what is the meaning of the colon between "ccs" and the second part of variable name? Is this some sort of a namespace?


  • Ritchie,

    What scripting is being used to connect C++test to CCS?  It looks like there are different modules contributing variables and that the ccs ones are not being contributed.  Is there something at the top of the script that is loading modules?



  • The script is supposed to be similar to the examples from:


    The problem may be on the Parasoft C++test side, but I don't know where those two variables come from. Are those variables familiar to CCS developers? Or maybe they are defined by Parasoft?

  • Looking at the loadti example I don't see any variables being used like that.

    As far as the 2 variables I am not sure what the first one is ${ccs:connector_cmd_line}.  However for the second one I would assume that is the path to the .ccxml file (target configuration file).

    I would suggest following up with ParaSoft.



  • Hi John,

    Thank you for your response. Parasoft team have confirmed today that they don't fully support CCS version 9 yet.

    So until they improve support for CCS9 I will be using my workaround described in the first post.

