Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
here is my christmas compiler failure for you ;-)
We recently switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (finally). One file in our code base then refused to compile correctly in release builds.
Here are the conditions to reproduce the error:
- C++
- Compiler TI v18.12.4.LTS (other compilers not tested)
- Windows 10 (the failure does not occur on Windows 7 under comparable conditions (!))
- Optimizer on: O2 (With O1 or optimizer off the failure does not show up
- CCS:
- The failure does not occur each time, only most of the time! (really, no kidding!)
Compiler command line and failure output
I stripped down the code to a (no longer usefull) minimum which still triggers the failure:
cl2000 -v28 -ml -mt --cla_support=cla1 --float_support=fpu32 --tmu_support=tmu0 --vcu_support=vcu2 -O2 --opt_for_speed=2 --fp_mode=relaxed -g --c99 --cpp_default --pending_instantiations=0 --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=coffabi --aliased_variables --remove_hooks_when_inlining --gen_cross_reference_listing --gen_func_info_listing --section_sizes=on "W:\\MotionControlLibrary\\components\\peripherals\\killer.cpp"
"W:\MotionControlLibrary\components\peripherals\killer.cpp", line 40: warning #552-D: variable "a" was set but never used
INTERNAL ERROR: C:\TI\ccs920\ccs\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-c2000_18.12.4.LTS\bin\opt2000.exe experienced a segmentation fault
while processing function _read_register__26ADT7320_Temperature_SensorFUi file C:\\cygwin64\\tmp\\{623ED5A4-2D7
This is caused by a defect in the TI C/C++ Optimizer.
TI Customer Support may be able to suggest a workaround to avoid this.
Upgrading to the newest version of the compiler may fix this problem.
Contact TI in the E2E support forums at under
"Development Tools", "TI C/C++ Compiler". See the link titled
"Submitting an issue".
We need to see this ENTIRE error message and a complete, reproducible
test case including ALL of the command-line options.
Include the .pp file created by option --preproc_with_comment
Minimum Code example
The stripped down killer.cpp file is this:
struct CMD_byte
CMD_byte(unsigned int address, bool read) :
m_register_address(address & 0x07),
m_rw(static_cast<unsigned int>(0)),
inline // killer!
unsigned int to_uint16_t(void);
unsigned int m_dummy_0 : 3,
m_register_address : 3,
m_rw : 1,
m_dummy_1 : 9;
unsigned int CMD_byte::to_uint16_t(void)
return ( m_dummy_0
| (m_register_address << 3)
| (m_dummy_1 << 7)
class ADT7320_Temperature_Sensor
void read_register(unsigned int ra);
void ADT7320_Temperature_Sensor::read_register(unsigned int ra)
CMD_byte cmd(ra, true);
unsigned int a[3];
a[0] = cmd.to_uint16_t();
The --preproc_with_comment only version looks exactly the same since no includes or macros are used in the minimum example.
Our workaround for now is to remove the "inline" line marked with "// killer!". But this is rather dissatisfying, we would like to know whats going on.
Further observations:
- The code above triggers the failure approximately 9 times out of 10 runs with the exact same input
- If the "& 0x07" from line 5 of the code is removed then the failure is not triggered
- If the line 23 is removed completely then the failure happens less likely (approx 5 out of 10 times)
- If the array a is replaced by a non array unsigned int then the failure is not triggered
This is very unexpected and seems rather arbitrary...