Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310
Hi I'm developing with CC1310 LAUNCHXL_KIT and while developing I want to enter "Sleep Mode" so I'm testing with CCS and using debug, but I'm not sure if I can use the
Power_releaseConstraint(PowerCC26XX_SB_DISALLOW); / Power_setConstraint(PowerCC26XX_RETAIN_VIMS_CACHE_IN_STANDBY);
With this declaration, I'm in the PowerCC26XX_standbyPolicy() function in the PowerCC26XX_tirtos.c file, and I'm doing a debug test by stepping over a line in standby mode, but there's something I don't understand.
1. when I step over at line <1>, the code should be executed sequentially again from <2>, but in the debug, it immediately goes to line <3> and proceeds sequentially from this part. I want to know why the code proceeds from line <3> and not from line <2> and below.
2. and in CCS, after I hit debug, I set a breakpoint and press the "RESUME" button, so if the "resume" button is enabled, the code is running normally, right? So if I set a breakpoint and press the "resume" button, and it doesn't work normally, it just stops, and the "resume" button is disabled? Or is there something that tells me when the code is running and stops? I'm confused because the code says running, but when I look at the picture, is that part stopped or is it still running?