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CCs 5.4.0 error debug

I have a KIT tms320r2812 and I it doesn´t work even a" helo world"!!!!"

  • "Doesn't work" is a huge statement...

    Without additional details it is almost impossible to make any statement. Is CCS connecting to the board? Is the code loading to the device? Is it running but not having the expected output or is it resetting the device, collapsing CCS or doing a power outage on your lab? If it is just a runtime issue, what do you expect from your code (I assume hello world is not your final application), more specifically how you are allocating code, stack and heap; are you using any specific options?

    The R281x device family does not have much memory available, therefore I suggest you starting with some other example code (available here): printf functions use a lot of heap, stack and code, therefore are unsuitable for most F28x devices. To help with that, there is an option mentioned at section 4.1 of the page below:


  • Now, I understand that example dont work with TMS320r2812. But answer you question, I don´t know f the CCs is coneccted to the board, how can I see this? I pluged the board to my PC, but I don´t know if the CCs connected. Is the code load? How can I see it? I only installed the CCS and I followed the steps in the CCs video, in this video only the man selected the board and open the example and debuged. I don´t know what to do because TI does not provide any support for your customers, any starter guide, so, I don´t know what to do.  So, now I creat a new project with main and I click and Debug, the message says error file gel...

  • Hi,

    janderson duarte said:

    I don´t know what to do because TI does not provide any support for your customers, any starter guide, so, I don´t know what to do.  So, now I creat a new project with main and I click and Debug, the message says error file gel...

    I don't know why you feel this way, but given I am currently providing information and support to you that is a pretty broad statement.

    Please check section 3 of the CCS category page on the wiki:

    I strongly recommend starting reading the CCSv5 Getting Started Guide as it walks through the concepts for project creation and debug (specially section 6), and the CCSv5 Getting Started Guide for C2000 to get acquainted with the specific topics relevant to the C2000 family (some of the information is a repeat of the first Getting Started Guide).

    All that said, per your description it seems you are not creating a configuration when launching the debugger, therefore the documents above will give you a better idea on what may be happening in your case and you will be able to be more specific.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi, I  have read this document, in fact very poorly written, guide the family c2000 is made ​​to version 5.1 and I have version 5.4. These documents have not helped me at all. I am choose "Spectrum digital DSK-EV -Ezdsp onboard USB emulator" and choose: "TMS320r2812" when i DEbug this message apper: C28xx: GEL: Error while executing OnReset(0): 'Unlock_CSM()' not found at Unlock_CSM() [r2812.gel:40] at OnReset(0) .

    What Can I do? I am think that should be the EZDSPr2812 instead TMS320r2812, but ther isnt this option!!!!!

  • Hi,

    janderson duarte said:

    Hi, I  have read this document, in fact very poorly written,

    I beg to differ; these getting started guides helped thousands of people get started with CCS throughout the years. However, given the number of boards and devices being continuously released, it becomes impractical these documents mention every single board/device combination available (the case of your R2812 board). 

    Is this the board you have? If so, the connection seems to be configured correctly and you found a bug in the GEL file provided for this device. CSM stands for "Code Security Module" and is used to protect the Flash memory from being read by unauthorized sources. The R281x devices do not have Flash, therefore this API call is invalid. I will ask Spectrum Digital (the manufacturer of the board and the provider of this file) to update its sources.

    Despite this, the error you see does not affect the code execution and you should be able to run the code without problems. If you want to get rid of this error, you can edit line 40 of the GEL file <r2812.gel> and comment/remove the call to Unlock_CSM(); 

    This GEL file is usually located at <CCS_INSTALL_DIR>/ccsv5/ccs_base/emulation/gel



  • Hi Rafael, now I got to run the program, I imported my project done in CCS3.1, and it worked. But, I'm in trouble if I modify this program, I do a simple code:

    GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIOA10 =0; //Teste

    GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIOA10 =1; //Teste

    and I debug step by step and the variable ic ins´t incremented, i Watch this variable in watch window and it stay with 0. What could be? the rest origianl parts of the program works well


  • Hello, doing some more testing I realized that if I declare the variable as global it does not work, and how to declare local variable it works. Can you tell me why?

  • Hi,

    It is difficult to make a precise assessment on what may be happening only with the snippet of code you sent, but I can imagine a few possibilities:

    - Is the compiler optimization turned on? If so, depending on how ic is used throughout your code, it is possible the optimizer is replacing the variable itself with the assumed values it will have during its execution (and therefore it "disappears" completely).

    - Is the .bss section (the un-initialized global variable memory section) allocated to RAM? This would prevent any attempts to modify these variables.

    - Are you looking at the global variable using the Expressions or the Variables view? This is something that confused me the first time I used Eclipse: the Variables view is for local variables only and is automatically populated, therefore if you have a global ic and a local ic, the Watch window will only show the value of the local variable (as the locally defined ic will take precedence).

    I created a simple project with the snippet of code you sent to see how the disassembly and how the variable behave (check the attached screen), and I could not spot any problems.

    Hope this helps,


  • So, answers:

    About compiler optimization, I did not even know this feature existed, so I dont know.

     About this phrase "Is the .bss section (the un-initialized global variable memory section) allocated to RAM? This would prevent any attempts to modify" I didnt understand anything about you said.

    I am using Expressions to see, but I am with a osciloscopy testing the pin, and if  Ideclare inside the void main its works and if I declare before it doesnt.

    Attached go the project.

    2133.Programa DSP geracao PWM.rar

  • Hi,

    I imported the project and ran it in my F2812 eZdsp board successfully - in other words, irrespective of how ic/ig was defined (global or local) I get almost 300kHz at pin 10 of the GPIOA port, which seems about right (check the attached screenshot and the photo below).

    Therefore unfortunately I don't know what is happening in your case, as I can't reproduce the same behaviour here.

    Answers to your answers:

    - optimization is a pretty standard feature in compilers, and if enabled it can sometimes remove variables and functions that are not being used or always assume a single value throughout the code execution.

    - This partially describes how the code is allocated in the DSP memory. If you would like to read additional details, I suggest you to get familiar with the Projects and Build Handbook for CCS - specially section 3.2.2 (Main build) and the link that talks about Files in CCS Projects.


  • now I'm confused. I also have no idea of what can be. But attached

                 TMS320C2000 Linker PC v6.1.3                      
    >> Linked Wed Sep 11 18:26:43 2013
    OUTPUT FILE NAME:   <E:/Programas DSP/Programa DSP geracao PWM/geracao_PWM/../Debug/Fonte3F.out>
    ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: "_c_int00"  address: 003f8214
             name            origin    length      used     unused   attr    fill
    ----------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  --------
    PAGE 0:
      H0_SARAM              003f8000   00002000  00000486  00001b7a  RWIX
      BOOTROM               003ff000   00000fc0  00000000  00000fc0  RW  
      RESET                 003fffc0   00000002  00000000  00000002  RWIX
    PAGE 1:
      M0_SARAM              00000040   000003c0  00000000  000003c0  RWIX
      M1_SARAM              00000400   00000400  00000400  00000000  RWIX
      DEV_EMU               00000880   00000180  000000d6  000000aa  RWIX
      FLASH_REGS            00000a80   00000060  00000008  00000058  RWIX
      CSM                   00000ae0   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
      XINTF                 00000b20   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
      CPU_TIMER0            00000c00   00000008  00000008  00000000  RWIX
      CPU_TIMER1            00000c08   00000008  00000000  00000008  RWIX
      CPU_TIMER2            00000c10   00000008  00000000  00000008  RWIX
      PIE_CTRL              00000ce0   00000020  0000001a  00000006  RWIX
      PIE_VECT              00000d00   00000100  00000100  00000000  RWIX
      ECAN_A                00006000   00000100  00000000  00000100  RWIX
      ECAN_AMBOX            00006100   00000100  00000000  00000100  RWIX
      SYSTEM                00007010   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
      SPI_A                 00007040   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
      SCI_A                 00007050   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
      XINTRUPT              00007070   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
      GPIOMUX               000070c0   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
      GPIODAT               000070e0   00000020  00000020  00000000  RWIX
      ADC                   00007100   00000020  0000001a  00000006  RWIX
      EV_A                  00007400   00000040  00000032  0000000e  RWIX
      EV_B                  00007500   00000040  00000032  0000000e  RWIX
      SPI_B                 00007740   00000010  00000000  00000010  RWIX
      SCI_B                 00007750   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX
      MCBSP_A               00007800   00000040  00000025  0000001b  RWIX
      L0_SARAM              00008000   00001000  000000a2  00000f5e  RWIX
      L1_SARAM              00009000   00001000  00000000  00001000  RWIX
      ZONE6                 00100000   00010000  00000000  00010000  RWIX
      CSM_PWL               003f7ff8   00000008  00000008  00000000  RWIX
     output                                  attributes/
    section   page    origin      length       input sections
    --------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
    .text      0    003f8000    0000036b     
                      003f8000    0000010d     Park.obj (.text)
                      003f810d    00000075     DSP28_Xintf.obj (.text)
                      003f8182    0000004b     rts2800_ml.lib : exit.obj (.text)
                      003f81cd    00000047     ConfiguraEV.obj (.text)
                      003f8214    00000046     rts2800_ml.lib : boot.obj (.text)
                      003f825a    00000042     00Main.obj (.text)
                      003f829c    00000038     ConfiguraIO.obj (.text)
                      003f82d4    00000025     Clark.obj (.text)
                      003f82f9    00000021     DSP28_PieCtrl.obj (.text)
                      003f831a    0000001f     DSP28_SysCtrl.obj (.text)
                      003f8339    00000014     qmath.lib : qcoslt.obj (.text)
                      003f834d    00000011     qsinlt.obj (.text)
                      003f835e    00000009     rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.text)
                      003f8367    00000004     DSP28_usDelay.obj (.text)
    ramfuncs   0    003f8000    00000015     DSECT
                      003f8000    00000015     DSP28_SysCtrl.obj (ramfuncs)
    SINTBL     0    003f836b    00000101     
                      003f836b    00000101     qmath.lib : sintb360.obj (SINTBL)
    .cinit     0    003f846c    0000001a     
                      003f846c    0000000e     rts2800_ml.lib : exit.obj (.cinit)
                      003f847a    0000000a                    : _lock.obj (.cinit)
                      003f8484    00000002     --HOLE-- [fill = 0]
    .reset     0    003fffc0    00000002     DSECT
                      003fffc0    00000002     rts2800_ml.lib : boot.obj (.reset)
    .stack     1    00000400    00000400     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000400    00000400     --HOLE--
    *          1    00000880    000000d6     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000880    000000d6     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (DevEmuRegsFile)
    *          1    00000a80    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000a80    00000008     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (FlashRegsFile)
    *          1    00000ae0    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000ae0    00000010     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmRegsFile)
    *          1    00000b20    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000b20    00000020     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (XintfRegsFile)
    *          1    00000c00    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000c00    00000008     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer0RegsFile)
    *          1    00000ce0    0000001a     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000ce0    0000001a     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieCtrlRegsFile)
    *          1    00000d00    00000100     UNINITIALIZED
                      00000d00    00000100     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieVectTable)
    *          1    00007010    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007010    00000020     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SysCtrlRegsFile)
    *          1    00007040    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007040    00000010     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SpiaRegsFile)
    *          1    00007050    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007050    00000010     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SciaRegsFile)
    *          1    00007070    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007070    00000010     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (XIntruptRegsFile)
    *          1    000070c0    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                      000070c0    00000020     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioMuxRegsFile)
    *          1    000070e0    00000020     UNINITIALIZED
                      000070e0    00000020     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioDataRegsFile)
    *          1    00007100    0000001a     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007100    0000001a     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (AdcRegsFile)
    *          1    00007400    00000032     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007400    00000032     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EvaRegsFile)
    *          1    00007500    00000032     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007500    00000032     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EvbRegsFile)
    *          1    00007750    00000010     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007750    00000010     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ScibRegsFile)
    *          1    00007800    00000025     UNINITIALIZED
                      00007800    00000025     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (McbspaRegsFile)
    .bss       1    00008000    00000000     UNINITIALIZED
    .ebss      1    00008000    000000a2     UNINITIALIZED
                      00008000    00000080     rts2800_ml.lib : exit.obj (.ebss)
                      00008080    00000016     Park.obj (.ebss)
                      00008096    00000006     Clark.obj (.ebss)
                      0000809c    00000004     rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.ebss)
                      000080a0    00000002     00Main.obj (.ebss)
    *          1    003f7ff8    00000008     UNINITIALIZED
                      003f7ff8    00000008     DSP28_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmPwlFile)
    address    name
    --------   ----
    00008000   .bss
    003f8000   .text
    003f81a8   C$$EXIT
    003f836b   SINTAB_360
    00007100   _AdcRegs
    003f81cd   _ConfiguraEVA
    003f81fc   _ConfiguraEVB
    003f829c   _ConfiguraIO
    00000c00   _CpuTimer0Regs
    003f7ff8   _CsmPwl
    00000ae0   _CsmRegs
    003f8367   _DSP28x_usDelay
    00000880   _DevEmuRegs
    00007400   _EvaRegs
    00007500   _EvbRegs
    00000a80   _FlashRegs
    000070e0   _GpioDataRegs
    000070c0   _GpioMuxRegs
    003f8000   _InitFlash
    003f82f9   _InitPieCtrl
    003f831a   _InitSysCtrl
    003f810d   _InitXintf
    00007800   _McbspaRegs
    00000ce0   _PieCtrlRegs
    00000d00   _PieVectTable
    00007050   _SciaRegs
    00007750   _ScibRegs
    00007040   _SpiaRegs
    00007010   _SysCtrlRegs
    00007070   _XIntruptRegs
    00000b20   _XintfRegs
    00000800   __STACK_END
    00000400   __STACK_SIZE
    ffffffff   ___binit__
    00008000   ___bss__
    ffffffff   ___c_args__
    003f846c   ___cinit__
    00008000   ___end__
    003f836b   ___etext__
    ffffffff   ___pinit__
    003f8000   ___text__
    00008004   __cleanup_ptr
    00008002   __dtors_ptr
    0000809e   __lock
    003f835e   __nop
    003f835f   __register_lock
    003f8363   __register_unlock
    0000809c   __unlock
    0000808d   _a_Q14
    003f8068   _abc20
    003f8000   _abc2d
    003f8034   _abc2q
    003f81cc   _abort
    00008096   _alfa16
    0000809a   _alfa32
    00008092   _alfa_16
    0000808c   _alfa_Q14
    003f82d4   _alfa_clark
    003f81aa   _atexit
    00008086   _aux1
    00008081   _aux2
    00008080   _aux3
    00008085   _aux4
    00008088   _b_Q14
    00008097   _beta16
    00008098   _beta32
    0000808e   _beta_16
    00008089   _beta_Q14
    003f82e8   _beta_clark
    00008087   _c_Q14
    003f8214   _c_int00
    00008084   _d16
    00008090   _d32
    003f8076   _dq2a
    003f80d8   _dq2alfa
    003f8094   _dq2b
    003f80f3   _dq2beta
    003f80b6   _dq2c
    003f8182   _exit
    000080a0   _ic
    00008082   _idp_Q14
    000080a1   _ig
    003f8295   _inicia_contador
    0000808a   _iop_Q14
    0000808b   _iqp_Q14
    003f825a   _main
    00008083   _q16
    00008094   _q32
    003f8339   _qcoslt
    003f834d   _qsinlt
    ffffffff   binit
    003f846c   cinit
    00008000   end
    003f836b   etext
    ffffffff   pinit
    address    name
    --------   ----
    00000400   __STACK_SIZE
    00000800   __STACK_END
    00000880   _DevEmuRegs
    00000a80   _FlashRegs
    00000ae0   _CsmRegs
    00000b20   _XintfRegs
    00000c00   _CpuTimer0Regs
    00000ce0   _PieCtrlRegs
    00000d00   _PieVectTable
    00007010   _SysCtrlRegs
    00007040   _SpiaRegs
    00007050   _SciaRegs
    00007070   _XIntruptRegs
    000070c0   _GpioMuxRegs
    000070e0   _GpioDataRegs
    00007100   _AdcRegs
    00007400   _EvaRegs
    00007500   _EvbRegs
    00007750   _ScibRegs
    00007800   _McbspaRegs
    00008000   .bss
    00008000   ___bss__
    00008000   ___end__
    00008000   end
    00008002   __dtors_ptr
    00008004   __cleanup_ptr
    00008080   _aux3
    00008081   _aux2
    00008082   _idp_Q14
    00008083   _q16
    00008084   _d16
    00008085   _aux4
    00008086   _aux1
    00008087   _c_Q14
    00008088   _b_Q14
    00008089   _beta_Q14
    0000808a   _iop_Q14
    0000808b   _iqp_Q14
    0000808c   _alfa_Q14
    0000808d   _a_Q14
    0000808e   _beta_16
    00008090   _d32
    00008092   _alfa_16
    00008094   _q32
    00008096   _alfa16
    00008097   _beta16
    00008098   _beta32
    0000809a   _alfa32
    0000809c   __unlock
    0000809e   __lock
    000080a0   _ic
    000080a1   _ig
    003f7ff8   _CsmPwl
    003f8000   .text
    003f8000   _InitFlash
    003f8000   ___text__
    003f8000   _abc2d
    003f8034   _abc2q
    003f8068   _abc20
    003f8076   _dq2a
    003f8094   _dq2b
    003f80b6   _dq2c
    003f80d8   _dq2alfa
    003f80f3   _dq2beta
    003f810d   _InitXintf
    003f8182   _exit
    003f81a8   C$$EXIT
    003f81aa   _atexit
    003f81cc   _abort
    003f81cd   _ConfiguraEVA
    003f81fc   _ConfiguraEVB
    003f8214   _c_int00
    003f825a   _main
    003f8295   _inicia_contador
    003f829c   _ConfiguraIO
    003f82d4   _alfa_clark
    003f82e8   _beta_clark
    003f82f9   _InitPieCtrl
    003f831a   _InitSysCtrl
    003f8339   _qcoslt
    003f834d   _qsinlt
    003f835e   __nop
    003f835f   __register_lock
    003f8363   __register_unlock
    003f8367   _DSP28x_usDelay
    003f836b   SINTAB_360
    003f836b   ___etext__
    003f836b   etext
    003f846c   ___cinit__
    003f846c   cinit
    ffffffff   ___binit__
    ffffffff   ___c_args__
    ffffffff   ___pinit__
    ffffffff   binit
    ffffffff   pinit
    [95 symbols]
    follows the. Map that generated the project, take a look at line 161, I think is not right, it seems that was not allocated any memory space for variables.
    I looked at the issue of compiler optimization and this function is not enabled.
    My kit is the R2812 and its the F2812 could change anything?

    Thank you


  • Hello, I've been doing some more tests and still not working. One thing that I changed the dynamic memory allocation, you can see attached. It also follows a figure showing the debug disassembly. Another thing is the error that gave "No source available for" 0x3ffc00 "" is also attached.
    I was thinking, could not be in the file .cmd I use? maybe he is not allocating space for global variables in ram.

    Thank you


  • Someone could help me?

    Thank you

  • Hi. the examples in the CD for this board is made in CCs 3.1. Dont you have a complete example for TMS320r2812 in CCS 5.4? An example with interruption, PWM, ADC? thank you