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Compiler/DLPNIRSCANEVM: NIRScan Nano Reference Build


Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Dear Sir,

Following Steps is procedure in CCS IDE 6.0.1

1) Install CCS IDE V 6.0.1 ( Windows 7 , 64 bit OS )

2) Install TI ARM V 5.2.9 ( TI ARM V 5.2.4 is not found in CCS IDE 6.0.1 ) 

3) Install Tiva RTOS

4) Install DLP Spectrum Lib & DLP NIR Reference SW

5) Build the Driver - Successfully Build

6) Build the Usblib  - Successfully Build

7) Build the DLPSepclib - Successfully Build

8) Build NIR Scan Nano Reference Software With TI ARM V 5.2.9 - Successfully Build

9) NIRScan Nano GUI Tool Using Update the Tiva Firmware ( Build *.bin File), GUI Tool Report Error Message - Binary File is not valid

Please Help me

if available  TI ARM V 5.2.4, Please share The Link
