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WEBENCH® Tools/TPS40210: Webench has problems with SEPIC design

Part Number: TPS40210

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

I would like to design a SEPIC converter with Webench and the TPS40210 (though I'm open to other IC options). But, even though I can click on & start a TPS40210 "SEPIC" design - I run into two major problems with Webench:

1) The output range can't be specified. Webench only allows a fixed (single) output & not an output range. In my case Vin range: 41-43V and Vout Range: 12V-160V

2) Even though I selected a SEPIC topology to design with - and because Webench only allow 1 output voltage... I put in 160V (the max) - it automatically went for a Boost configuration...

But there is more - before I could get Webench to do any of this - I needed to get around the error message that tells me that 'The output needs to be > VIN,min and <VIN,max.'   Wait a minute... 1st of all, the way the design parameters are entered... this is a BOOST. So the VOUT needing to be < VIN,max is just plain wrong.

Questions: Is there a way to enter a Vout (min-max) range? And, is there a way to fix the converter topology (i.e. disallow other topologies, like 'boost')?

One other observation - once I was able to get Webench to generate a family of 'buck-boost' options (even with the 'Isolated Output' selector in the disabled position), it provided me with All Isolated Flyback options.

I have attached a snapshot of the problem.

Looking forward to your work-around.

Webench failure 4'19.pptx