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TIDA-010210: TIDA-010210 Sample code test - Graphtool

Part Number: TIDA-010210


I am currently testing the three-level ANPC inverter (It is made based on the TIDA-010210 Altium model)

I am using the CCS sample project code (anpcinv_F28004x), and succeed in Lab1, Lab2 (open-loop test)

But, the closed-loop test (lab3, lab4) did not work

I just followed the TIDA-010210 SW guide (setting the project to Lab 2, Lab 3, ... ), but the closed-loop control did not work under AC voltage 25V/50Hz, DC source 100 Vin, and idRef 1A ..

So, I thought the PLL and DQ transformation could be the problem and tried to check it with graphtool.

How can I check the PLL and DQ voltage/current using graphtool? I want to check the graph window as shown in the attached figure.

  • Hi,

    once the grid voltage is inserted. Could you please reset the PLL by setting to one the ANPCINV_reset_PLL? This needs to be done before the clear pwm signal is latched. Maybe the problem you are facing is coming from the PLL not sync properly.

    In order to check PLL, you can put in the virtual scope the sin and cos signals of the PLL. Put it as first signal, because the first signal of the scope with respect to the other four is the one responsible also for the trigger of the scope itself.

    Related plotting dq axis, in theory if everything works fine there should not be important visible variations there.


    Best Regards


  • At Vgrid = 25V/50Hz or Vgrid = 50V/50Hz, PLL does not work (I did as follows: Vgrid (AC source) ON -> ADC check -> PLL reset = 1 -> fan set, relay set, closed-loop start)

    At Vgrid = 80V/50Hz or Vgrid = 110V/50Hz or Vgrid = 220V/50Hz, PLL works.. (I used GPIO to check PLL. For example, if (sin(theta)>0) GPIO = 1; else GPIO = 0. -> Then, GPIO is synchronized with Vgrid voltage phase)

    Does the virtual scope mean the oscilloscope? How can I put the sine and cosine signals in the scope? Putting sine and cosine to somewhere..? GPIO? ePWM..?

    I think the graph tool can be used to check PLL, but.. if I put the variable "ANPCINV_angleSPLL_radians" in the start address, I couldn't see the variation..

    Is there a way to check the phase or current/voltage by using graphtool? The TIDA-010210 SW guide showed an example of a graph window.. but the guide does not offer a way to check the PLL or current/voltage (code or instruction)

    Thank you

  • I mean as virtual oscilloscope the graph window. You can plot there the sin and cos you desire.

    You need to import the configuration file into Code composer studio when opening the graph tool.


    Best Regards
