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LM25143-Q1: LM25143-Q1 TI P Spice simulation error

Part Number: LM25143-Q1



I was simulating the LM25143-Q1 in TI P Spice for Interleaved 2 phase operation. But my simulation is running, but the pulses are not coming in HO2 and LO2. HO1 and LO1 are having the pulse and output is available as 13V. My input is 14V to 15.5V. 

MODE..Connected to VDD

FB1--Connected the Divider circuit to set the output

FB2--Connected to AGND

SS1 and SS2 shorted and connected with ss cap

OUT1 and OUT shorted.

DITH...Connected to GND. connecting capacitor is making error in simulation

DEMB---Connected to VDD

En1,EN2--Connected to 5V

Please provide any suggestion to resolve this issue.


Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rayees,

    It might be related to initial conditions or simulations settings. Please try to simulate it using the PSpice model on our product page -



  • Hi Rahil,

    Thank you for your reply. I have used the same file and modified as per my circuit of single output 2 phase converter. Second channel initially turning on and going off, first channel is working. May be some initial condition issue, but what i have to consider for initial condition to follow.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rayees,

    Instead of placing the second channel from the parts list, try copy pasting the first channel. This should take care initial conditions.



  • Hi, 

    Thank you. I have seen two simulation pages in the TI reference schematics like startup and steady state. Which one i have to follow?

    In my schematics I have connected the FB1 to voltage divider to make 13V and FB2 to GND as per recommendation, after that i have just tried by shorting the FB2 to FB1 instead of GND, that time both channels are providing the pulse, but the pulsed are not correct.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rayees,

    Use steady-state which skips the start up portion of the sim



  • Hi,

    Thank you for your clarification, i will use the steady state for simulation, currently i  have used the startup. 

    Can you please confirm, for 2 phase operation with variable voltage what will be the connection for FB2, whether its need to be grounded or shorted with FB1. FB1 is connected with the voltage divider.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi,

    I have simulated with steady state, but the problem still exists, the second channel not providing any pulses for the MOSFETs. Chanel-1 is working.

    LM25143 Simu_scheme.pdf

    Schematic is attached for your reference.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rayees,

    FB2 will be connected differently from FB1 depending on what you want your output to be. Please make sure your node names on each phase are different in the sim.



  • Hi Rahil,

    Yes, i have followed same as above, the FB1 i have used with voltage divider for setting 13V output, FB2 connected to GND as per the datasheet for 2 phase operation,



  • Hi Rahil,

    I have tried all the way, but channel 2 is not working, can you have a look in to my simulation file to understand the problem. I can share you the simulation file.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rahil,

    With further simulation. i have observed that, if I am making 2 separate Individual output by setting13V its working, but the simulation is not working if I am running in 2-phase simulation mode. I feel this may be a model issue.


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rayees,

    To clarify, dual 13V output works fine on simulation but single output does not? 

    Can you send me your PSpice files? 



  • Hi,

    Yes, when simulating for Dual output both channels are working, i have tried like both channel 5V, 3,3V and 13V. But, when i am shorting the output and running for single output interleaved operation second channel is not providing any gate waveform.

    One more issue i have seen like when i am operating below spec, i have seen some problem in the gate waveform, 

    Input 15V or 16V, Output 13V Each output, Individual channel output current 30A

    below waveform i have observed,

    You can see the pulses are not equal.

    what will be the issue here.

    MODE connected to GND



    2 PHASE Buck 13V Scheme.pdf


    Rayees K.E

  • Hi Rahil,

    As per my further analysis, below are the observations,

    Simulated as Dual output (5V output both channel) ---Its working  (FB1 and FB2 connected to GND)

    Simulated as Daul output (5V output both channel)---Its working (Connected Divider resistor to make 5V output)

    Simulated as Dual output (Channel-1 5V and Channel-2 13V output by Divider)---Pulse is not proper,, its overlapping,

    observed the gate waveform of 13V channel as below, other one is ok.

    Below 10V waveforms are observed ok, 10V and above waveform is like above.

    After that simulated in 2 phase mode by shorting both the output, 5V output is ok, 10V and above the channel-2 pulse not available and channel 1 pulse is like below,

    Channel-2 as below,

    Please help me to find out the problem.


    Rayees K.E

  • HI Rayees,

    I will look into this and get back to you.

