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TIDA-00374 vs TIDA-00484

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-00484, TIDA-00374, TPL5111, TPL5110

The reference designs TIDA-00374 and TIDA-00484 utilize BLE and sub-1GHz radios, respectively. The 484 design also uses additional boost converter and different system timer and load switch chips. Does anyone know the reason for the different selections? It looks like 484 has improved battery life and stability.



  • Hi Tony,

    I've moved this question to the TI Designs Forum since your questions seem better suited to this forum.
  • Tony,

    TIDA-00374 was developed first.  From testing TIDA-00374, we found additional ways to improve battery life, so we applied it to TIDA-00484.  

    For example, the HDC device has a higher operating voltage (3.0V typical) compared to the wireless device (1.8V to 3.8V).  When the coin cell battery voltage will go lower than the HDC operating range, the HDC will stop working.  Therefore, a boost converter was added to regulate the coin cell voltage back to 3V, so more of the coin cell battery capacity can be used.  

    For system timer, the only difference between TPL5110 (on TIDA-00374) and TPL5111 (on TIDA-00484) is the polarity of the DRV pin.  This is mainly to show there are two different system timers and either one can be used.  The device you use in your final application depends on whether you want DRV pin to be active high or active low.

    For load switch, the one on TIDA-00484 has a lower on resistance than the one on TIDA-00374.  


  • Thank you Christina.


  • Christina,
    Do you happen to know where I can order the 00484 reference design? Does TI have them in stock?
  • Hi Tony,

     As shown on the webpage :

    Fully assembled board (shown above) developed for testing and performance validation only, not available for sale.

    The design files are provided to make it easy for you to produce evaluation boards.