Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, , LT1013, LMC6001, TLV2262AM
Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
My circuit gets unstable when Pin 3 of the OPAMP OPA237 make a step from 3V to 0 V. See the attachment.
I am trying to justify using simulations. So I added L1, C4, and Vin to plot overall loop gain.
I have plotted Vo (loop gain) when VS3 (voltage on pin 3 of OPA237) is 3 V and when VS3 is 0 V.
This does not get me anywhere because when VS3 is 3V T1 transistor is saturated and when VS3 is 0V T1 transistor is off. In both cases VO is close to 0 (-50db).
The actual oscillation happens when T1 is coming off of the saturation (VS3=3) and enters the active region before it enters off mode (VS3=0).
I do not know how to simulate and justify VO loop gain phase margin becomes 0 when this transition happens.
Please advise.