Recently I’ve been trying to develop a solar battery charging system with MPPT for a camera project, but I don’t have a PV panel for now. So I want to use the model circuit of PV panel to verify the MPPT algorithm in TIDA-01556.
However, I don’t quite understand the solar panel model described in the ref design file, as presented in the below figure:
1.Does it mean I should connect 14 Zener Diodes in series, and put them parallel with the current source?
2.How could I change the maximum power point of the model circuit? By changing the current source or the resistors?
Besides, I wonder whether I could use a DC voltage source in series with a resistor, as shown in the below figure, to verify the MPPT algorithm provided in TIDA-01556:
As can be considered, this circuit can provide the maximum power to the charger when Vbus=us / 2. Can the MPPT algorithm in TIDA-01556 be used to track this power point? Is it reasonable to verify the MPPT algorithm in this way?
Is there any other way to verify the MPPT algorithm without a PV panel (even without the Zener diodes)?
Thanks a lot.