Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
Hi, I have drawn up a circuit to include LMC662A which was the closest I could find to LMC662 in TINA-9. But there are no specifications included with it, so for instance, I could according to the simulator, input a 1000V into it and it would still function normally. I have tried inputting the SPICE model for LMC662 from TI Webench Spice Models by downloading and unzipping with RAR Zip Extractor Pro, but this gives me the script shown below which doesn't give any data about the component when you open it with NotePad. Is this suitable for importing into my library? If not, please tell me how to get the one I need.
Script :-
Texas Instruments model manifest: July 29, 2019
All models are property of Texas Instruments and subject to terms of use.
Folder: TI_Models_201907290924_01295
TI Literature Number -> "description"
SNOM170 -> LMC662_PSpice "LMC662 PSPICE Model"
Alan Morris