I'm using CC2640R2L microcontroller for a BLE based project.
I'm estimating available flash memory, I did't find anywhere ble stack size estimation in order to understand how many space I would have for my project.
My project will be ble peripheral only.
My current tools version are:
- Code Compose 12
- simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_5_30_00_03
I looked at this two examples and analyzing map files I found:
- Project Zero: unused flash space: 0x0F45
- Simple Peripheral: unused flash space: 1C32
Is very difficult to estimate the real stack occupation space but it seems that BLE Stack take almost all the flash memory.
Am I loosing something (maybe some configurations or other things)? or really this microcontroller with BLE stack has very low space for custom application?
Consider that for my application I'll need almost 32kb of flash.