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CC2642R: Issue in enabling Print logs in RTLS responder

Part Number: CC2642R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG, CC2650


  • Iam facing the below mentioned issues in rtls_responder code. The sdk that Iam using is simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_3_40_00_02. The CC2642R is used as the tag ,which is not advertising cte packet continuosly, there is a frequent disconnection from advertisement. It stops advertising for specific seconds but  not in a regular interval.What can be the cause of this issue?
  • Inorder to debug the issue I tried to put some print logs in the code.I have enabled uart2  in sysconfig like image_1 and image_2 below and the print logs I have written in a function like image_3. But Iam not getting any uart logs in console. How to resolve this issue ?

image_1   image_2     

  • Hi,

    It seems you have both the display and the UART2 driver both being used at the same time. I would highly recommend that the display driver be disabled to ensure there is no conflict between the drivers. I see you are on an SDK that was released several years ago. I would highly recommend updating to the newest SDK ( at the time of this reply as it contains many new improvements, bug fixes, features, and examples. It also includes a new logging functionality that allows you to generate logs via JTAG and not have to use UART which may be very useful for your debugging purposes. Some information about this driver is shown here:

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan,

    I have done all the configurations to enable the log driver module in the rtls code with the reference link you have provided above, I have attached the images for your reference.But in the  Tools -> Runtime Object View->LogSinkBuf  Iam not able to see any print logs that I have added. Can you check if Iam missing out something.



  • Hi,

    Can you clarify which CCS version you are using? Taking a step back, lets make sure the log driver is working properly in your IDE. Please import the log example (found in {SDK_INSTALL_DIR}\examples\rtos\CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL\drivers\log and verify if you can see the outputs from that example project in ROV. If we can, then we know the issue is in the project setup somewhere and if we cant, then we know the issue is the IDE.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan,

    This is the CCS Version: used. Iam using a custom board(CC2642R) chipset ,So I have connected the TMS,TCK and RESET pins of the custom board with the jtag of launchpad externally. I have imported the log driver project to it and flashed the same, even after that Iam not able to see any debug logs. Is there any issue you could identify?

  • Hi Priya,

    To confirm, on your custom board when using the unmodified log project, you do not see any output at all when the device is ran in debug mode in the ROV window? Do you have access to a LaunchPad? If so, then could you test if you do see output when running the project on an LP?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan,

    I have CC2650 rev 1.1 Launchpad available with me currently. I have downloaded its sdk from the given link : But I do not find any drivers folder in this sdk, and also cant file log_driver project. Do you have any reference link for it?

  • Hi Priya,

    I am a bit confused with your reference to the CC2650. Earlier in this thread, we were discussing the CC2642R and its AOA features/logging features. To be clear, the CC2650 uses a different SDK than the CC264R2.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan, 

    I have a custom board of CC2642R Chipset and I have flashed this custom board with CC2650 launchpad.I have enabled log_driver in this custom board(cc2642r) and checked, but its not working. To check the working of the log_driver, CC2650 launpad is only present with me, I do not have a CC2642R LP available now. Do you have any reference link for CC2650 sdk with log_driver present in it.

  • Hi,

    The CC2650 SDK does not have support for the log driver. Are you able to acquire a CC2642R LP? Having one will be very useful in debugging issues and allowing us to isolate issues to HW or SW causes.

    Best Regards,
