We see, using Ellisys, in some cases the connection interval updates without request from neither central (CC2640R2F) nor peripheral, and no request to do a connection interval was triggered in our code.
On the problematic connection handle, CC2640R2F is central with BLE4 tested SDK v1.40 and SDK v5.30 based on `multi_role`, heavily customised. After the connection interval has changed without request, it reverts automatically on its own after some time.
In "part I" we found there actually was a request being made, this has been addressed and that other product works fine now, but I was mixing up multiple projects so that didn't solve the present ticket with CC2640R2F as central.
We found that this happens only when `multi_role` also has an additional connection as peripheral to a central phone. If this peripheral connection is removed, the wrong connection interval on that other connection handle does not appear.
The usual connection interval on the peripheral side, with iPhone as central is 30ms, with Android as central is 45ms.
The usual connection interval on the central side, with CC2640R2F as central is 450ms.
When the CC2640R2F uses an unexpected connection interval, it is always a multiple of the agreed connection interval, starting at 3x450ms = 1350ms, 1800ms, 2250ms; it sounds like `slave latency` but that is always set to `0`;
Is there a known issue in those regards? Is there something we do / should not do that can cause this situation?
I am able to share Ellisys captures over PM.
Best regards,