CC2642R-Q1: GapInit_connect returns 0x18(bleInvalidRange)

Part Number: CC2642R-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2642R


My customer has met a problem using CC2642R as central device, when using GapInit_connect() to initialize a connection the API returns 0x18(bleInvalidRange).

SDK: simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_7_41_00_17

This issue only happens under a certain circumstance, the CC2642 is running a firmware based on the multirole example, it connects to 4 devices, including 3 phones and a keyfob. The CC2642 acts as peripheral connecting to the phones and as central connecting to the keyfob. This issue only happens when it establishes the connection with 3 phones first and tries to establish the connection with the keyfob.

If connecting with other orders, the issue does not appear:

1. Connecting to the keyfob first, then connecting to the phones -- OK

2. Connecting to 1 or 2 phones first, then connecting to the keyfob -- OK

The implementation of GapInit_connect() has been reviewed and it seems fine:

status = GapInit_connect(addr_type & MASK_ADDRTYPE_ID, adv_addr, 0x01, 0);

Please kindly help to suggest how to locate the root cause of this issue, thanks.

Best regards,


  • Any comments on this issue? Thanks very much!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Shuyang,

    Please understand that responses may be delayed to the holidays and until after January 2nd.

    When the phones are connecting to the peripheral first, are they being paired and bonded as well?

    Nima Behmanesh

  • Daer  NIma,

    --- When the phones are connecting to the peripheral first, are they being paired and bonded as well?
    Yes, when the phones are connecting to the peripheral first, it will pair and bond.
    However, this issue is about the connection of 3 phones and a keyfob that have already been paired and bonded before.
  • Hi Shuyang,

    Do you mind getting an Ellisys log of this issue being reproduced?

    Nima Behmanesh

  • Hi Nima,

    Vehicle-side MAC: 10:CA:BF:5F:63:DF
    FOB MAC: 0x10CABF6F669E
    log:(Failed to connect after first connecting three mobile phones and then one FOB _63Df.btt)

    This log shows that three mobile phones were connected first. In the sniffer, it was seen that the connections established with the two devices 7E:1E:1E:E4:EA:85 and 55:A5:0F:D9:7F:CD corresponded to the connections of the second and third mobile phones.
    After that, it seemed that there was no valid information about the connection. However, from the serial port log at the same time, it could be seen that the FOB was indeed scanned but could never be connected. Could you please check if there are any abnormalities in the scanning in the air interface after the two devices 7E:1E:1E:E4:EA:85 and 55:A5:0F:D9:7F:CD were connected?

    uart log:ReceivedTofile-COM3-2024_12_30_14-46-28.DAT

  • Hi Nima,

    Attach the sniffer log file as below, and the description is as the customer mentioned above.


    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Thank you for the log. The log does show that the devices are connected, but the log is also very corrupted. Is there anyway we can get a new log with less noise and corruption?

    What are the parameters for GapInit_Connect on the central side, and is TI on the keyfob?


    Nima Behmanesh

  • Hi Nima,

    keyfob used TI CC2642.

    The parameters for GapInit_Connect as follow:

    status = GapInit_connect(addr_type & MASK_ADDRTYPE_ID, adv_addr, 0x01, 0);

    Among them:

    1. addr_type = 0x2, MASK_ADDRTYPE_ID = 0x1, and (addr_type & MASK_ADDRTYPE_ID) = 0x0
    2. adv_addr is the keyfob public MAC

    However, currently the status returns 0x18 (bleInvalidRange), and this failure only occurs when the keyfob is connected after three mobile phones have been connected. If the keyfob is connected first and then the three mobile phones are connected, everything is normal.
    Did you find the connection between the vehicle's Bluetooth and the keyfob in the sniffer log? Could you take a screenshot and share it with us for learning purposes?
  • Hello,

    Yes, following the logs you sent before, I do see that the keyfob is connected.

    Do you mind providing a new log with less interference?

    Nima Behmanesh

  • Hi Nima,

    Please find a new sniffer log as attached.

    Mac address of the car side: 10:CA:BF:5F:5C:E1

    Keyfob public mac: 0x10CABF6F6693

    The UART log shows keyfob cannot establish a connection after 3 phones are connected:

    From the sniffer log, the connection seems terminated:


    Best regards,


  • Hi Shuyang,

    I apologize for the delay here, I'm still looking into this issue. I will have an update on Monday.


    Nima Behmanesh

  • Hi Shuyang,

    I'll be spending more time this week on this issue. I apologize for the delay!


    Nima Behmanesh