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Max baudrate for SPPDemo for MSP432 + CC2564


I think there is a bug in the SPPDemo software for MSP432 (CC256XMS432BTBLESW) that doesn't allow the user to configure baudrates greater than 115200. The problem might be in the following line from SPPDemo.c

MaxBaudRate = (DWord_t)(HCI_DriverInformation->DriverInformation.COMMDriverInformation.BaudRate); 

That value always is 115200.


  • Hi Fedrico,

    Looks like the BSC_Initialize function is setting the HCI_DriverInformation->DriverInformation.COMMDriverInformation.BaudRate to 115200. I think for the chip to load FW service pack successfully, this is required. But using the COMMDriverInformation as the MaxBaudRate does not look right to me. Thanks for pointing this out.

    Can you please move the MaxBaudRate line to before  calling the OpenStack function? Alternatively, change the MaxBaudRate from

    MaxBaudRate = (DWord_t)(HCI_DriverInformation->DriverInformation.COMMDriverInformation.BaudRate);



    and #include "HAL.h"

    I think the MaxBaudRate value is only used for sanity check in the SetBaudRate function of the SPPDemo.c. Making one of the aforementioned changes should do the job. 

    Best regards,
