Hi all,
i am trying to develop my own application based on TIDA 00374 project (both hardware and firmware)
Initially I had to send to a central device some data, i.e. battery level, temperature and one pin status. I put the data in dinamically changing non connectable advertising packets: 1 packet/sec for 10 seconds, so 10 packets in a cycle. Then the microcontroller is turned off for about 1 minute.
I have modified a bit the tida00374 firmware and it works.
Now i have to implement this task: the central (i'm using BTOOL) can decide to connect to my board when it needs to modify the status of one particular pin of the microcontroller.
So the board now shoud behave as a peripheral. The original TIDA is a simple broadcaster, so peripheral task isnt implemented, and in general the firmware structure is a lot different compared to project zero or simplebleperipheral firmware, so i'm a bit confused about how to continue.
Can anyone give me some advice on what application i have to follow?
Thank you