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BOOST-CC2564MODA: Problems in interfacing Boost-cc2564 with stm32f417ig board

Part Number: BOOST-CC2564MODA


We are trying to interface  BOOST-CC2564MODA with our custom board, we have done the connections and also done the porting of the software and verified it.

When we try to run SPPDemo example OpenStack() routine fails with -4 error.What is the reason for this?

Have attached the logs from the bluetooth module for more detail?



  • Do, you have the complete FW log? May be you have issues with your UART DMA. Did, you try disabling the DMA?

  • Hi Hari,

    For Disabling the DMA I have removed HCITRANS and replaced it with Bluetopia\hcitrans\HCITRANS.c is there any other changes I have to do to disable it?

    BSC_Initialize(HCI_DriverInformation, 0); routine is returning -4 what can be the reason for that?

    What happens in the BSC_Initialize() routine?I have verified the UART signals both in software and hardware but no data is coming out of the HCIUart.

    PFA Log and HCIDriverInformation Values

    Expression	Value	Location	Type	
    HCI_DriverInformation	0x10001FD4	R4	HCI_DriverInformation_t *	
    DriverType	hdtCOMM	0x10001FD4	HCI_DriverType_t	
    DriverInformation	<union>	0x10001FD8	union <Unnamed 10>	
    COMMDriverInformation	<struct>	0x10001FD8	HCI_COMMDriverInformation_t	
    DriverInformationSize	28	0x10001FD8	unsigned int	
    COMPortNumber	1	0x10001FDC	unsigned int	
    BaudRate	115200	0x10001FE0	unsigned long	
    Protocol	cpHCILL_RTS_CTS	0x10001FE4	enum <Unnamed 1>	
    InitializationDelay	100	0x10001FE8	unsigned int	
    COMDeviceName	0x0 ""	0x10001FEC	char *	
    	'\0' (0x00)	0x00000000	char	
    Flags	0	0x10001FF0	unsigned int	
    USBDriverInformation	<struct>	0x10001FD8	HCI_USBDriverInformation_t	
    DriverInformationSize	28	0x10001FD8	unsigned int	
    DriverType	dtGarmin	0x10001FDC	HCI_USB_Driver_t	
    InitializationDelay	115200	0x10001FE0	unsigned int	
