I am using sdk simplelink_cc26x2_sdk_2_30_00_34 simplePeripheral code. As per my use case, device will receive continuous data from UART ( packet of 200 bytes in every 10 ms) and send it to connected central device using notification.
Below is my UART_INIT code.
bool UART_Configuration(void)
SbpUartParams.readMode = UART_MODE_CALLBACK;
SbpUartParams.writeMode = UART_MODE_BLOCKING;
SbpUartParams.readCallback = &uart_readcallback;
SbpUartHandle = UART_open(Board_UART0, &SbpUartParams);
if( SbpUartHandle == NULL ) {
return false;
UART_read(SbpUartHandle, read_buff, rx_data_len);
return true;
Baudrate rate is 115200. In uart_readcallback function, i am coping data received from UART to a buffer and sending that buffer through notification.
But while receiving data from UART device is hanged, i debugged the code and checked device is getting HWI exception somehow. I tried with just receiving data from UART without notify data but still same issue. Can anybody help me how to resolve this issue?